Chap 2: Family Introduction and How It All Began

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The next morning at 5:45 on October 15th, Lincoln and Darcy had woken up from bed, took a shower, got dressed, and prepared breakfast for their kids, their dog, and themselves. While eating breakfast, Lincoln took a glance at the viewers and spoke to them.

"Oh, hey guys." Lincoln greeted the viewers, "It's been a long while since I've seen you all. And as you can see, I have a family. Allow me to introduce you to them." 

We turn to the African American woman who is 20-years old. She was sitting on a chair, breastfeeding a 1-month old baby who was in her arms.

 She was sitting on a chair, breastfeeding a 1-month old baby who was in her arms

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"This is my beautiful wife, Darcy Helmandollar-Loud." He introduced and kissed her cheek.

"Hello viewers." She greeted with a smile.

"She was my ex-sister Lisa's best friend, until she heard what she and her family did to me 16 years back, and stood by my side during the time. What did my family do, you might ask? We'll get to that in a minute." 

We then turn to the kids, starting with the first one. He has light tan skin, brown hair, and has his father's orange eyes. He was also almost 2 years old. 

"This is my first son, Luger. He was born on the 21th of November 2030." 

Then, we turn to the next child. He has light fair skin like Lincoln and shares his white hair. He was a year old.

"My second son is Link, short for 'Lincoln.' I named him after me, and he takes a lot from me. He was born on October 2nd 2031." 

Finally, we turn to the last child, and it's a girl. An infant who looks identical to Darcy, but her hair has a white tip, and is 1-month old.

"And lastly, this is my baby daughter, Lila. She takes a lot from her mother. She was born on August 27th 2032, this year." 

We then go to a white German Shepherd dog, who is a female. She had blue eyes, and wore a pink leather collar with her name tag.

 She had blue eyes, and wore a pink leather collar with her name tag

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"And this here is our pet dog, Alayus. She's a White Shepherd. She's very loyal and very protective of us after we rescued her from an illegal dogfight back in Chicago a few years ago."

"Now, you're probably wondering: 'Hey Lincoln, how did you and Darcy end up together, and what did your big family do to you 16 years ago?' Well, If you want to know, then sit back and listen, for I will tell you a little story of where it all began."


"It all started when my sister Lynn wanted me to come to her softball game, but I didn't want to because I wanted to have some me-time, and in a family as big as mine, you hardly get to have some time to yourself. But Lynn wouldn't take 'no' for an answer, so she threatened to beat me with her baseball bat. She lost her game, and I went to her to express my sympathy for her loss, she pinned the blame on me, labeling me as bad luck. When she started spreading the rumor, I went along with it by lying to get free time. I was having a good time when I was at home alone, but then it started getting lonely." 

"Soon, this superstition went to the point where my whole family (except Lily, who was a 15-month old baby at the time) boarded up my room, forcing me to sleep outside and locking me out of my own house! I know I shouldn't have lied, but I don't deserve this!"

"I confessed to lying about my bad luck, but did they believe me? No! They just thought I was making an excuse to get back into the house and kept me locked out! To prove I wasn't bad luck, I sneaked into Lynn's baseball game wearing the mascot suit."

"When I revealed myself to my family, they apologized. I thought it was over, but boy was I wrong. They only allowed me into their lives and family activities when I'm wearing the suit, and they wouldn't let me take it off for the sake of their so-called 'good luck!'" 

"I've been treated like an inanimate object rather than a human being! I suffered nothing but pain, misery, and humiliation. Darcy was the only one who stood by my side. Care to explain your part, Darcy?"

"Well… Okay." She hesitantly said before she explained. "During school, I noticed Lincoln in the squirrel suit. So, I went to ask him why he's wearing it. When he explained everything, I was furious. I couldn't believe that Lisa, my own best friend, would go and believe the nonsense of her sore loser of an older sister and mistreat him in such a way! And she said she's a woman of science! Luck is just superstition, it doesn't exist! So after that, I got at her for it and avoided her, refusing to talk or listen to her as I ended my friendship with her and sided with Lincoln."

When I couldn't take the abuse anymore, I  told them all off about how cruel and unforgivable their actions towards me were." Lincoln said. "And when I told Lynn off, she assaulted me, and I fought back, breaking her arm. And after nitpicking them more with hurtful words, I wasn't sure, but they seemed to be regretful of their deeds. Lynn, however, just got angry and attempted to attack me again, but I kicked her and broke her knee." 

"When word about the incident got out, most of my friends turned against my family and ended their friendships with them. But Clyde, my own best friend, abandoned me, blaming me for ruining his chances to be with Lori and ended our friendship. I guess he doesn't let his thing for Lori go. He even tried to attack me, but I kicked him to the ground and broke his legs to defend myself."

"Then, me and Darcy agreed to leave Royal Woods without all of our friends knowing and went to Montana to start a new life. And then we found this big house, which was given to us by an old friend of mine before he passed away when we got older, and made ourselves at home in it after he gave us the house."

"As years went by, Darcy and I grew close and she grew a crush on me, and eventually, we fell in love. On the Night of Valentine's Day 2030, which is also our wedding anniversary, Darcy became my wife. I accidentally got her in the family way with Luger, but I agreed to raise our offspring with her. That was the beginning of our life together ever since."

(End of Flashback)

"And that's the story of how it all began," Lincoln said. His family felt sympathetic for him while feeling more than mad at the Louds for their actions against him.

"What your famiwy did to you was so mean, daddy." Luger commented angrily. 

"Po' da-da." Link said sadly.

Lila just frowned sadly at her dad. Despite being a baby, she was aware of her dad's torment and felt sorry for him.

Alayus whimpered at the thought of the white-haired man's suffering. She then went over to him and licked her master's face, causing Lincoln to smile and pet her lovingly. 

"Yeah, I know, I know." Lincoln said. But then, he heard a beeping sound from his watch. He looked into it, it was 6:40am. 

"Whop, gotta get to work. I'll see you later, family," Then he turned to the viewers, "You guys, too." 

With that, he finished his breakfast, prepared for work, kissed his wife goodbye, and went out the door and drove in his car.

End of Chapter 2

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