Chapter 4 - The Colors of a Rose

Start from the beginning

"Oh, just think of it Blair!" Ilsa exclaimed. "We could be rich again! We could go back to the city and live just like we used to. Oh I just know Earl Wilhelm would take me back! And your Lord Aberforth, you two could start again!"

And what would I do in the city? I thought. Would I have to leave Jean? And for what? To go back to a world of social expectations and tight fitting dresses?

Here the work was harder, certainly, but I knew that I was happier here than I had ever been before. It was wonderful that we could have our old life back, but was leaving the countryside really worth all that for me?

"Annalise, what are you thinking?" Father asked. My thoughts had probably seeped into my facial expressions again. It seemed like they were constantly doing that.

"I was just wondering what I would do in the city is all, Father. I have no one to return to truly, and I am engaged."

Ilsa sneered.

"What? To that peasant you've attached yourself to? Come on Beauty, even you can do better than him."

I flinched.

"Ilsa, that was uncalled for," Father said. "Annalise is very happy with Jean and I know they will make an admirable pair. Anna, you would not have to leave Jean if you did not want to. You two could be married and live very happily here. Or you could be married and come to the city with us. It depends on you. But now we are getting into the hypothetical. I must leave at once to see to the condition of the ship and what kind of profit we can still make off her."

Rising from his seat, he thanked the young messenger and requested that he accompany him on the journey back to the harbor. They quickly agreed and faster than I could worry they had arranged to leave the following morning.

* * *

"Father, are you sure about this?"

"Annalise, I know you're concerned, but I will be fine. We'll be entering and leaving the forest in the same day if all goes well."

If all goes well.

We were standing outside the house and it was nearly dawn. I had on my plain red dress with a cloak wrapped around my shoulders in the chill of the morning. I had also tied my apron around my waist. Beside me Ilsa and Blair were awake for once, though still yawning and dragging their feet considerably. Father had his old traveling cloak on and was mounted on Bess with his traveling bags hung off the saddle on either side. Behind him the messenger was sitting high on his chestnut.

I placed a hand on my father's saddle.

"Father, I know you will be as careful as you can, but-, but please, remember what happened to mother." I gave him an imploring look.

He placed a hand on my shoulder and gave me half a smile.

"I'll make sure I'm safe."

I took a step back from the horse to join my sisters. Father sat up straighter and asked,

"Now, as fortune is smiling on us, and we are soon to be rich again, what would you have me bring you home?"

Ilsa and Blair thought for less than a moment before responding.

"I don't know what will be in fashion when we return to the city, but would you bring me back a gold chain? Gold jewelry goes well with almost anything," Ilsa said immediately. Father nodded.

"Of course."

"Oh can you bring me back a strand of pearls? Pink ones? They've always been my favorite," Blair said automatically. Father said he would certainly try.

Rose, Wilted: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now