Chapter 12- 'Serious' meeting- part 2

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Sinead turned the doorknob and pushed the door open a little and put her head in, looking around.

"Nope she's not here." She said.

They all leaned in, opening the door a little further. It was pitch black.


"BOO!!!!!" Jiah shouted, seemingly appearing from thin air. The four of them jumped back, clutching their poor hearts. Romeo barked happily, running in circles around them. Jiah laughed so hard that she had to hold the doorframe for support.

"Your faces!!" She cried, laughing again. After she calmed down, she asked " What can I help you with?"

Ian, gaining his composure once more,"Have you seen any weird doors....Ohh what are you doing?" Ian asked irritated. Jiah was pulling a face, with her eyes wide and her mouth open in shock, in a terrified expression. The other three cracked up.

Jiah explained' "This is how you looked like when I scared you." and fell in to helpless laughter again.

Ian, very annoyed, raised his eyebrows and asked, "The doors?"

Jiah calmed herself down once more and said, "I haven't seen any doors, but I have seen one door."

"But the message said six, didn't it?" Hamilton asked.

"Can I see the message?" Jiah asked.

Jonah handed her his phone and when their hands brushed he blushed.

'Go through the doors at the end of the corridor.' Jiah quoted.

Ian's eyes blazed as he heard the words. "I see." He said.

"What? What do you see?" Hamilton asked.

"Well the message says doors. You know a plural. maybe there are more than one door we have to go through?" He replied.

"Can we see this door Jiah?" Sinead asked.

"Sure, come in." Jiah let everyone in to her room and closed the door behind them.

"So...." Hamilton said as he looked around her room, "Where's this 'door'?"

"Here" Jiah led them to the far corner of the room where there seem to be well.. a wall.

"This is a wall." Jonah said. "Not a door."

"Yeah it seems like it but..." Jiah pushed the section of the wall out. The door opened and there was another hall, where six doors lay ahead.

"The last door, was it?" Sinead asked.

"Yup!" Hamilton replied.

They began to walk along the corridor. First they passed a red door with the Lucian crest on the door. Than an yellow door with the Ekatrina crest. A blue one with the Tomas crest and then a green one with the Janus crest. The two doors left was a black one with the Madrigal crest and a plain white door.

"That's the last one" Jiah said, indicating the white door.

Sinead pushed it open and revealed a staircase going up.


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