Chapter 28 - School (part 3)

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High School


The three Musketeers

The Cahills all stood in line, waiting to buy their lunches. Jiah was standing in front of Ian and behind Hamilton when a boy, named Michael, whom she recognized as the most annoying, arrogant boy in existence that thought that he could hit off with her with his looks, sidled next to her and said,

"Hey gorgeous,"

Of course this outraged Jiah very much. However, this was school and she did not want to create any problem so she replied with,

"Go away Michael, no one wants you here,"

Michael smirked, what he thought was an attractive smirk, and replied,

"Feisty, that's how I like my girls."

Hamilton and Ian, whom both now realized that there was an unwanted boy in their midst both looked at Jiah. Now Jiah, was feeling very disgusted. This showed in her expression as she spat out,

"Go away."

Michael was not giving up easily. First, his mates were watching him and Second, this was the girl that the whole school was talking about. He was sure that she would fall for his charms like any other girl would. His mistake. Jiah wasn't an any other girl.

"Come on, I know you want me." Was his very perverted reply.

Surprisingly, Jiah didn't come back with a witty remark like the boys thought she would. She just said,

"Hamilton? Ian?"

Hamilton, who was also disgusted by this boy, answered,


Jiah crumpled up her beautiful face and said,

"This guy is being annoying."

Ian raised his eyebrows.

"Oh really? And may I ask, pervert boy, who are you and why are you annoying Jiah?"

Now to look at this situation through Michael's eyes, he was in trouble. In front of him were Hamilton, who looked like he hit the gym 24/7 and Ian, who was staring at him with cold eyes that said,

'I can murder you right now in ways you don't want to think about'.

The problem only got worse when Jonah, who was behind Ian, noticed the little 'gathering' and asked Ian what was happening. When Ian replied with a bitter voice,

"This guy thought he can hit it off with Jiah"

all the playfulness drained out of Jonah's handsome face and now Michael was looking at three, very annoyed boys who happened to be Cahills. Yes. He was in trouble.

Adam's Middle School


When Dan gets angry

The Holt twins, Madison and Reagan sat at a table with two boys, also twins, named Zach and Josh Colton. They were the boys that the girls met in PE. They had majority of classes together and the four of them became friends. Natalie and Phoenix sat down next to them, each holding a tray. Phoenix's was beef nachos and Natalie had a salad and a piece of strawberry and cream sponge cake. Phoenix's eyes lit up as he spotted Ella. He waved Hi and the brunette waved back and carried on her conversation with her friends. Natalie smirked and said,

"Phoenix has a girlfriend". Phoenix blushed and the rest of the table laughed. Then they broke in to conversations, names were introduced and they all had a fun time together.

Dan meanwhile was sitting with his mates, Eric and a bunch of other kids high in the social ladder. Although Dan wasn't one of those people that acted like they owned the place because he was in that group didn't mean the girls in his group was. From the moment they sat down, they started gossiping about the latest news in the celeb world and other things going on at school. Usually, Dan tuned them out and talked about foot ball with Eric and a couple of other boys but today, one topic caught his attention.

"Oh my gosh girls, have you seen the new girl?"

"Huh, you mean that Natalie girl? She was so going for the guys"

"I know right. Have you seen how she was flirting with Eric, MY boyfriend?"

The last comment was by none other than Julia, Eric's girlfriend. Dan didn't like her very much. The only reason that he put up with her was because she was Eric's girlfriend and Eric was his best friend. However, this time, she had gone too far. With a scowl on his face, he kept listening.

"She was so desperate" this time it was a girl named Caitlin.

"But, you had to admit, she was pretty." This remark belonged to a girl named Rachel who was the only girl in the group that had sense.

Julia snorted. "Yeah right, pretty my ass. I mean you can totally tell that she's a slut"

Dan snapped. "That is my cousin that you're talking about" He said in a cold voice. He looked over at Eric who also heard the last comment by Julia.

"Tell your girlfriend to control her mouth. Although I have no idea why you're going out with her." With that, Dan picked up his tray and joined Natalie's table.


Hey guys!!
Sorry for the late update!
And guess what? I have over 10 followers!! *does a little happy dance

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