Chapter 40

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"This is so boring" Dan moaned as he lay down on the couch upside down so his head was nearly touching the floor. Everyone had left and there was only Amy, Atticus, Jake, the Starlings and Jiah left in the house. Amy and Jake was in Amy's room doing who-knows-what and the Starlings and Atticus was bent over a computer. Dan was bored out of his mind.

"Urggggghhh" he said and tried to get off the couch, hitting his head on the floor on the process.

Atticus looked up from the screen when he heard Dan's strangled cry.

"You okay there mate?" He asked.

Dan glared at him from the floor. "No, I just hit my head on the floor."

"Not you, I was asking the floor if it was okay after you bashed your thick skull on it" Atticus said matter-of-factly.

Sinead cracked up laughing. "Nice one Att."

Dan glared at them both and stalked out of the room, rubbing the back of his head. He went downstairs to the gym and found a very sweaty Jiah hitting the sandbag. Hard. She let out the series of uppercuts and straights before turning on her heel and launching a massive roundhouse kick that sent the sandbag swinging. She stepped away and sat on one of the benches. Dan stepped inside.

"Nice kick" he said.

Jiah smiled feintly. "Thanks. So , what are you up to down here?"

"I'm so bored. Amy and Jake are in Amy's room probably snogging each other's faces off and the others are making a software in the laptop that enables them to change the school's system. Apparently Ned got tired of their computer science class and wanted to move up a level."

Jiah let out a chuckle. "Well, if you have absolutely nothing to so, I can teach you Taekwondo. How's that?"

"Ooo cool. Should I get changed or something?" Dan said.

Jiah nodded. "Get into something comfortable and grab a water bottle on the way down as well."

Dan dashed up the stairs and came back 3 minutes later with two water bottles and wearing a sports shirt and trackpants.

"Here, hold this." Jiah handed him a flat wooden board. "Hold it high and as far away from your body as you can. Make sure you hold it tight, okay? If you don't it might hit you instead."

"Um... Why am I holding this?" Dan asked as he gripped the board tight.

"So I can do this." Jiah said and launched a front kick. The board smashed cleanly in two and Dan stared at the boards, dumbfounded.

"That was the most basic kick in Taekwondo. You bend your leg at your knee and bring it up so it nearly touches you chest, than kick straight up, than fold your leg again than bring it down." Jiah demonstrated slowly as she spoke. "You keep your toes up so you don't break them. Got it?" She asked.

Dan nodded. "Fold, kick, fold, down. Keep your toes up."

"Good. Are you right footed or left footed?" She asked.


"Than start practicing with your left leg. But before you do, do some stretches and do 100 on the skipping rope."

"Okay." Dan leaned forward and touched his toes. Jiah smiled, satisfied and started to hit the punching bag again.


Natalie and Ian waited for their father to turn up at the restaurant, but after they waited for 40 minutes, they gave up and ordered. As they waited for their food to arrive, Natalie logged on to Instagram and saw the latest selfie uploaded by Jonah and Phoenix and double clicked on the photo. She scrolled through finding nothing interesting.

"Nat" Natalie looked up to find Ian staring at her

"What do you want my dearest brother?" She asked in a bored tone.

Ian smiled wickedly. "Well... Cecily told me that our father is at Morocco, and the mansion is completely empty except for a few servents...." He left the sentence hanging.

Natalie broke in to a smile as well. "Well that is interesting, isn't it?"

Ian kept smiling. "I have told the driver to take us straight there after dinner" he sat back on the plush chair, happy with himself.

The Other Cahill (A 39 Clues fanfiction- COMPLETED )Where stories live. Discover now