Chapter 48

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Natalie stared at him. Dan stared at him. In fact, the whole cafeteria seemed to be staring at their direction. Out of the corner of her eye, Natalie saw Julia's face turning red with anger.

"Umm.." Natalie said. Dan thought, 'What the Heck?' Because in his whole time of knowing Natalie, he never heard her say 'um'. He had always wondered if that was even in her vocab.

"What she means is that she would love to talk to you privately." Said Reagan.

"Yup she was just getting up NOW' Madison said.

Natalie gave a pointed look at the twins and she stood up, following Eric out the door. Heads turned to watch as eyes followed the best looking guy at school and probably the best looking girl for her age in the world.


Natalie leaned against a locker. She realized that she did this a lot lately. Eric leaned against the lockers next to her.

"What's up?" She asked.

Eric turned his body so that his side was leaning against the locker. Now he was staring at the side of her face. Natalie turned her head slightly so their eyes locked. She saw him swallow hard. Natalie could tell he was nervous. Her Lucian senses told her so. She inwardly sighed. These were the times she hated her training.

"Will you go to the dance with me?"

Time seem to froze. Natalie was sure that her ears were broken or something. But no.. She knew that it wasn't true. Her ears were perfectly perfect. Like the guy standing in front of her. She blushed being angry at herself for thinking that.

Eric grinned when he saw Natalie blush. He knew that it was a yes.


Jiah laughed when she checked her phone.

"What is it?" Amy asked. They were walking towards the library as they both had free periods.

"All of the others got dates. Except for poor Dan" Jiah said grinning.

Amy smiled wickedly. "Oh that is just perfect"

"You're not going to let him forget, are you?" Jiah said, laughing at Amy's expression.

"Definitely not." Amy said with an evil smile on her face. They continued walking in a comfortable silence until a boy came up to them.

"Hi!" He said. He was a boy named Ethan who was in Jiah's English class. Jiah smiled and waved hi to him.

"Hey, what's up?" She asked.

Ethan handed her a note. "Someone told me to give you this." He said.

Jiah opened it. It read: Would you like to go to the dance with me? –William

"Really Ethan? Now you're doing dirty work for William?" Jiah said jokingly.

Ethan laughed. "I'll take that as a no, He owes me 10 bucks now"

Amy and Jiah laughed. "You guys had a bet?"

Ethan grinned. "Yup! I knew that you were going to go with Hamilton so I betted against it. And what do you know! You helped me earn 10 bucks! Thanks Jiah" He waved and left.

Amy and Jiah looked at each other and burst out laughing again. They reached the library and they entered, both of them holding books that they needed. When they sat down, Amy leaned over to Jiah and asked in a hushed whisper.

"soooo..... Hamilton hasn't asked you yet aye?"

Jiah rolled her eyes. "He's a guy, he'll figure it out soon."

"Figure out what?" Amy asked.

"How to ask me." Jiah said. "I think all the other guys that asked me are making him annoyed. So I bet he would ask me by the end of the day."

"Is that a bet?" Amy said grinning.

"How about the loser has to kiss their dates at the dance when everyone is there?" Jiah said with a smirk.

"You're on." Amy grinned wickedly and they shook hands.

The Other Cahill (A 39 Clues fanfiction- COMPLETED )Where stories live. Discover now