He Loves Me?// Charles's POV

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I woke up, moaning in pain.

"Easy! You're still healing," someone said.

"I should be fine I was only shot Tw-ICE OW!" I yelled, as I felt a sharp pain in my shoulder.

"Yeah, you were hit in your abdomen twice, your shoulder once, and your left arm once," my docter explained.

"Oh, wow," I said, wondering what happened to Henry.

There was a knock on the door.

"Come in," I said.

"Hey, Charlie, how are you feeling?" The General asked.

"Like crap," I said.

"Understandable," he said.

"Did you guys get Henry?" I asked in the most calm and rational voice I could.

"Unfortunately, no," he sighed.

My heart lit up, he was okay, I thought. He was probably in some infirmary on the airship. 

"Well it was chaos, what did we expect," I said, sarcastically.

"A better outcome, for sure. At least capturing some toppats," he sighed.

I had to think of something to at least try and cheer him up.

"There's always next time?" I said.

"I guess, it's better to be positive. Escpecially in situations like these," he said.

I nodded.

"I'll visit soon Charlie. Get better sooner rather than later," he said, walking out.

"I'll try my best," I said, leaning back into my bed.

I began to think about Henry;

Was he alright?

Is the general lying to me so I don't have a nervous breakdown?
No, that couldn't be it, he never lies to me about anything.
But then again he did see my reaction to Henry betraying us.

Would he still really think it held anything over me?

I heard a knock on my door, it was my doctor.

"You have a vistor" She said, "Rellie Ose."

I didn't regonize the name, but I still said, "Yeah I know them."

A girl a shoulder-length red hair walked in. She was wearing A black top, yellow jacket, and black jeans.

"I'm Ellie," she whispered.

"As in the toppat's right hand lady, Ellie?" I whispered back.

"Mhm, sure am," she said.

"Is Henry alright?" I asked almost immediately.

"He's fine, Helicopter Boy," she smiled.

"Helicopter Boy?" I asked, utterly confused.

"Oh let me explain. It's the nickname I've hjad for you since I've known you've existed," she explained.

"Why not just call me Charles?" I asked.

"Because Helicopter Boy is so much more fun to call someone by," she joked.

"But give me a bit of detail on how he's doing," I said.

"Henry's fine, just a few bullet wounds. He'll be up and running soon, considering the tech we have on the airship," she smiled.

"What do you mean by that?" I asked.

"Oh lemme show you," she said, rolling up her pant leg.

It was a cybernetic leg! I couldn't believe my eyes. I thought government officials only had access to that kind of stuff!

"What's the look for?" she asked.

"Oh nothing. I've just been under the impression that the goverment were the only people who had access to technology like that," I explained.

"Makes sense," she said.

Ellie paused and looked outside for a second.

"I better get going. before anyone realizes who I actually am," she said.

"Thank you so much for telling me about Henry," I said.

"Anytime, Helicopter Boy."

And with that, I was alone.

"I guess I could watch some food shows," I said to myself and grabbing the remote.

I'll Love You, RegardlessWhere stories live. Discover now