I Guess This Is Goodbye// Charles's POV

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He's letting me go. I hate to say it, but I kind of wanted to stay. Wait! No. I'm with the government, I do not belong here. Stay focused Charles, you'll be back to normal soon.

Henry still had a soft grip on my hand, and I didn't understand why, but I kind of liked the feeling it gave me. Charles, no. He's a toppat, the LEADER may I mention?

"This is it, I guess," Henry said.

"I guess so," I said.

I couldn't controll myself. I gave him a hug. 

Charles, you stupid b-
He's hugging me back! 

Henry, slowly but surely, let go. We began to just stare at each other. His piercing blue eyes just sparkled with happiness.

I could just...

*sigh* Fine..

"I should go now," I said

"You can put in where you want to go," Henry said.

"Alright," I said.

"Bye, Charles," Henry sighed.

"Bye, Henry," I said.

I typed in my coordinates, and I was off. I kept thinking about what could've happened in that five seconds of us just staring at each other? 

What if we.. kissed?

No, you are Mr. Perfect, more like Mr. Cinnamon roll, but same difference.

Right, I can't be seen doing something out of character.

But how long can you keep this up?

Until Henry leaves the Toppats..?

But is that really going to happen.

I guess not.

I sighed, I missed him already. 

Why did I miss him though? He held be captive for five and half months, but he managed to recancile our friendship, or maybe..

We discussed this!

You're my subcounsious. 

And? I'm literally the only thing you had conversations with for the past five and a half months.

True, I guess that's what captivity does to you.

I felt an abrupt crash. I looked around, I was back to the base!

"Hands up! Step out of the pod!" I heard someone shout.

I remembered, I was in a toppat escape pod.

I opened the doors, with my hands up.

"Charlie?" The General asked, "Where have you been?"

"Toppats," I said.

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