Little sister

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" Yeah, I was just lost in thoughts. After that my dad and his wife ended their banter and looked at us. I thought she will act rudely with me but instead she smiled at me and whatever commotion was going on died off. I don't know what made her so sweet towards me but she was very comfortable around me and actually treated me well. And I was very happy to have a baby sister to play with me after all these years " I said with adoration and Jassy smiled at me. I might be possibly exaggerating everything but it felt right to talk about it with her and she was trying to grasp whatever I said patiently.

" Then the other day there was a lawyer who came and made me sign few papers which says that the whole property will be in mine and Saki's name and it will completely depend on me if I wanted to keep my father in his position or to replace him. I was just shocked but Gracie, my step mom explained me how my dad had taken away all the properties of my mother and also cheated on her before her death. She even said how my dad was planning to keep only few properties for me. So, she didn't want that to happen as I am the legal owner of the assets. Then I agreed to the conditions and signed everything and I assured them that I will join business after my studies and to be frank I was always interested in business other than football " I said and Jassy nodded but I can say she was still confused with few things and I don't want to confuse her more.

" I am happy that you finally got your family back and I wish you live a happy life here after with your sister " she said squeezing my hand and I felt overwhelmed with whatever she said and tears escaped my eyes. She hugged me immediately and consoled me.

" And I will continue my further studies in London with my sister and step-mom. No matter how difficult it is to accept her as my mother but she is really a good lady and she is really concerned about me and I am grateful for whatever she had done to me " I said after breaking the hug and Jassy wiped away the tears which I didn't realize had escaped my eyes.

" So now that we have got an occasion to celebrate why don't we go and have ice-cream? " Jassy asked wiggling her brows and I nodded and ran inside to get my car keys.

After going to the ice-cream shop Jassy practically bought all the ice-creams from there and I laughed at her childishness. She pouted looking at my reaction but I ignored her. I was engrossed in talking to her about everything which happened with occasional jokes that I didn't observe someone entering the shop who would be determined to break this bubble of happiness. I even showed her few pictures of Saki and she loved her the moment she saw her. She looked each and every picture and commented that we don't look same except for our noses and smile. I passed her a smile when she said that and paid attention to the ice-cream which was on a mode of melting.

" Jassy, is that you? " someone said from her behind and I instantly recognized the girl to be the same person who made her stay at my place last night. Jassy stiffened at her place as if she knew the person even without turning back and didn't look back. She got up immediately and went out while I followed her. Jassy was walking fast and the girl was following her but Jassy was not even looking at her.

" Jassy at least listen to me once. I am ashamed of whatever I did but you should know the truth which is being hidden from you for years " she said while pulling Jassy's elbow and she looked at her in confusion.

" What's your problem? When she is not intended to hear just leave her alone " I practically yelled at her while she looked at me like I was shit and I hate to admit that she seemed to be intimidating in a way.

" And who the hell do you think you are? Oh wait, wait... you are the one whom Simons introduced me as her boyfriend last night. Right? " she asked raising her brows and I nodded. Then she started laughing as if it was funny and we both looked at her like she had gone crazy.

" Danny, why the fucking hell you are laughing and what's so funny about him being my boyfriend? " Jassy asked with a deathly tone and even I was scared to see this side of hers. Jassy was glaring at her while that girl was just looking at us still with a sarcastic smirk.

" It is funny Jassy. It is coz when you have got a guy who loves you like a mad man and can sacrifice his whole life and even can wait his whole life just to see love in your eyes for him and here you introduce some stranger to be your boyfriend. Now isn't it funny? " she asked seriousness laced in her voice and she was looking straight at Jassy with crossed arms. I was not understanding what the hell she was talking about but whoever the guy is certainly close to this girl as well or else how the hell can she be so sure about what she is speaking about that guy.

" Wh.. what are you talking Danny? Which guy and how do you know this whoever guy? " Jassy asked with a slight slutter and all the seriousness from before disappeared into thin air.

" Oh come on Jassy. Don't say you don't know the guy. He, who is your childish friend. With whom you had spent most of your time fighting and laughing. The friend without whom you couldn't even imagine your life. The friend who ditched my love just coz he loves you more than anything in the world " she said as a matter-of-fact and Jassy just stared at her without blinking.

" It's Rian Jassy. It's him who loved you and loves you forever. I never understood why he loved you or loves you even after me confessing my feelings to him and also when you didn't have such feelings for him. He told me that he loves you after I confessed my love. I was sad and depressed and never had a chance with him so I thought after doing that you will hate him and will never talk to him. I thought if you both separate there will a chance for me to snatch his heart again and heal him but you heard me saying my plan to my cousin and everything happened in a reverse way. He hated me in return and I went to other city just to forget him and live in peace but to be honest I never forgot him but instead I felt guilty and with each passing day I was suffocated with the betrayal I had done with my best friends. I was not happy with anything. I made new friends there but they are not like you both. They are not understanding or funny like you. They are judgmental and rude. I realized my mistake. I understood what a grave sin I have committed and I wanted to come and apologize you but Rian avoided me like plague. He blocked me everywhere. I even sent him multiple emails but there was no response even for once. I am not saying this all just to seek your forgiveness but I am saying this just to make myself aware that I am also a human being and I can also commit mistakes and asking for forgiveness is not a shame but it is a blessing. Now I am asking you for forgiveness Jassy. I am sorry. I know whatever I had done cannot be changed but please forgive me and bless me with your forgiveness. Please Jassy. I beg you. Please " she said and tears were escaping with everything she said and at the end she started crying. Jassy was no less than her. She was having tears as well which were pouring down her cheeks and she was controlling hard to stop them.

" Rian loves me? Danny why didn't you tell me all this while about this huh? " she said after sometime and she was controlling her emotions.

" He loves you Jassy more than you can imagine. Don't lose him at any cost. I know how it feels to be heart broken and I don't want anyone to undergo that phase and I am surprised that you didn't realize it yet and made him your boyfriend. Does Rian knows about this? " she said pointing towards me and Jassy didn't reply. She was lost in her own thoughts.

" Flio take me home. Right now " Jassy said and I can feel the desperation in her voice.

" Take your time Jassy and think things over again. I will meet you sometime later " Danny said while placing her hand on Jassy's shoulder and in return she just nodded and made her way towards my car.

" Thanks for everything Flio. Bye " she said without any eye contact and got down as soon as car came to an halt.

I wanted to ask her so many things. How she is feeling? Is she alright?....

But I didn't even utter a word coz she need space right now rather than questioning session.

Some of her past is revealed here.

Did you expect Danniella to be the one to tell Rian's love to Jassy? And did you like Danny? (Do comment)

What will Jassy do now..?

Till then...Bye😊

A SASSY GIRL'S CHEESY STORY :)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang