Book 2: Chapter 1

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Book 2 - A Royal Christmas in Space Strikes Back

Chapter 1 - come on let's twist again, like we did last winter
                        yeah, let's twist again, like we did last year

It wasn't a bad way to start the Holidays.

"I made the right choice." Pluckie Smythe gazed out at the scene in front of her, the dark sky threatening acid rain, the sidewalks strewed with toxic litter, and the distant laser battle between Peace Officers and R.A.L.F rebels. "I made the right choice to celebrate Christmas with my fiance"--she turned to look at the tall, masked figure standing next to her--"with the man I love."

Prince Drak Revin stopped in the middle of adjusting knobs on his black, state of the art, life support suit. "What was that?" he asked. "Did something happen? Is something wrong?"

Pluckie bumped him with her shoulder and laughed. "You are such a worry wart."

"There's a lot to worry about?" Bubby said. Drak's son had turned 13 three months ago and was looking less like a child and more like a handsome, young man.

Nova, Bubby's twin sister, stopped pacing along the edge of the space dock long enough to shoot an accusing glare at Pluckie. "Why aren't you worried? This year has been awful and there's a good chance it'll get worse."

It was true 3020 had not been an easy year, what with the failing economy, toe crud pandemic, and widespread carrot riots, but good things had happened too. Many of the oppressive laws had been repealed, the Moon had returned to orbit Earth, and Pluckie had been welcomed into the Royal Family with open arms.

"It's December 21." She brushed a speck of lint off her Don't Question Authority T-shirt. "Christmas is just four days away."

"I wish we were celebrating Christmas the way we usually do," Bubby grumbled, "by taking the royal space yacht to the rings of Saturn and hosting the Christmas Spectacular."

"We're almost doing that." She tilted her head up to look at the dark, ominous shape of the Oligarchia hovering above them. "But instead of sailing to Saturn, we're taking the interstellar-wormhole to the Galactic Council of Ruling Families on Bopthopiomiop." She leaned back so she could see more of the massive space yacht. "And instead of a Christmas Spectacular, your dad and I are going to have a Christmas wedding." She leaned further back, but it was too far and she began to fall. "Oops." She caught herself on Drak's cape. "I'm so clumsy."

Nova rolled her eyes and shook her head so that her long, black braids swished back and forth. "Yeah, you're almost as clumsy as this exposition."

"But before there's a wedding," Bubby reminded them, "Daddy has to perform the Cérémonie de Demande and ask the Council of Ruling Families for permission. If they don't approve you, Pluckie, they'll feed you to the Firegators. We can't lose another mother. We just can't."

"If they reject you"--Nova wrapped her arms around herself as if she was cold--"I'll have to kill every member of the Ruling Families with my bare hands. I wasn't planning to do that for at least five more years."

"They'll approve me," Pluckie assured her future stepchildren. "I have a secret weapon."

"Is it a laser throwing-star?" Nova asked. "If you don't need it, can I have it?"

"No, it is not and no you cannot." Pluckie gave the teen a stern yet loving look. "Those things are dangerous. Isn't that right, dear?" She nudged Drak with her elbow.

"Huh? What?" The dictator of the solar system turned his head from side to side in quick, jerky motions. "What's dangerous? Are we in danger?"

"I'm in danger," Bubby said. "If the Ruling Council approves your marriage then the ceremony will take place immediately. I haven't finished designing the wedding dress yet. What if it's awful? What if everyone hates it? My future as a fashion designer depends on this dress. My heart is pounding. I can't sleep. I am so stressed out."

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