In her thoughts

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Author's Note:

So this is gonna be more of a filler chapter cuz I wanna skip ahead a little but I don't just want to do nothing about the outcome is this , enjoy!

Disclaimer: I only own my oc's

Sam's POV:

Tony showed me his lab that night, and it was probably the thing I'm most grateful for. I spend a lot of time down there, it's most frequently on the nights I can't sleep but I spend time with Tony in the lab on somedays. We've worked on the ironman suit, and lots of other little things. Our most current project is a punching bag that can withstand me hitting it....with my powers.

Pepper's been awesome too, she's taken me shopping and just out in general so many times. It's fun. It's been a couple months since Tony adopted me.They know more more now then on that first night, but not everything, they can never know everything.

I've become less exclusive and more trusting, of course there are still days and sometimes weeks I'll stay locked in my room or the lab. I need these days, they help me think, calm down, and take it all in. Surprisingly Pepper understands these times more than Tony, I think he takes them more personally and often tries to coax me out of hiding. He hasn't realised but it takes its toll on me and I stay a couple days extra. Pepper has never really been worried about, ecept for one time when she heard me crying. She didn't understand it was normal, and I'll never tell her. She would only worry more. I'm not depressed or anything, it's more of an emotional release. That's why I also want the punching bag.

School got a lot better, after switching. It's easier to make friends when you have a fresh start. I'm not popular by any mean,but I certainly have more friends. Not that, that was hard to do considering the amount of friends I used to have was zero. The friends I do have aren't very close, but it's still nice to have companions of sorts.

My birthday was last night and it was fun. I spent half my party in the lab though. Not Tony's lab though, my lab. Tony and Pepper turned the floor right below mine into a lab. I was so excited that I snuck off in the middle of the party and didn't come back. It was after all a Stark party so it was big! Nobody really noticed except for Pepper which is the only reason I was back for cake.

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