The End...

352 15 11

Disclaimer: I only own my oc's and the plot

Tony's POV:

"Shit! Bruce help me get her up on that table!" We both picked her up and set her gently on the table.

"JARVIS run a full body scan, NOW!" Immediately JARVIS started scanning her.

"It seems the swelling in her brain has gone so high that her body shut down completely to try and get it to go down." JARVIS said.

"What do we have to do to make it go down." I replied worried, she can't go like this.

"I'm afraid there is nothing you can do sir." Even though he was a computer it almost sounded like JARVIS was upset.

"C'mon, Bruce, there has to be something." Bruce just shook his head sadly, "I'm sorry Tony we can only hope now."

NO! I refuse to believe it. She can't die. My thoughts were interrupted when JARVIS spoke "Would you like me to alert Miss Potts sir?" Rubbing my hand over my face I said "Yea, go ahead." A couple minutes later Pepper came running down the stars of the workshop.

"Oh my baby!!!!" she cried looking at Sam, she turned around a hung onto me "Tony, there has to be something you can do!" I just shook my head and held onto her tighter.

Bruce who was monitoring Sam's vitals and brainwaves at the time got our attention "Um guys we need to get out of her, like now!" We just stared at him, "Sam's brainwave's are getting dangerously violent, she's about to blow!" Immediately I grabbed Pepper's wrist and tried pulling her towards the elevator so we could get out, but she was pulling away screaming "NO WE CAN'T LEAVE HER!!! NO TONY, PLEASE WE HAVE TO SAVE HER!!!!" Hearing that was breaking my heart, but I knew what I had to do I lifted Pepper up and put her over my shoulder and started running for the elevator with Bruce behind us.

When we got into the elevator I set Pepper down, she ran to the doors and started banging her fist against them, but we had already begun our decent. I tried to calm her down but she just kept screaming. When we arrived at the bottom I picked Pepper up and ran.

Right as we got outside an explosion erupted from the top of the building sending down pieces of rubble. When everything had calmed down I looked up and it looked like most of the rubble was just from the inside of the lab and the only major damage was about 10 stories of broken windows, but that was an easy fix.

I looked to Bruce asking the silent question on both our minds, should we go back up and check it out? I decide we should and ran to the elevator with Bruce in tow. We rode up to Sam's lab, and when we stepped out the whole room was demolished. I looked around for any signs of Sam. I figured me and Bruce should split up, because this lab was actually pretty big and could take a while to look through.

"I'll take left, you take right." I told Bruce, he nodded, and we both set off to work. It wasn't till about 20 minutes later that I found her.

"Bruce! Get over here I found her!!" Bruce rushed over and we both lifted her up and took her to a clear spot and set her down. Bruce checked her pulse, "I'm sorry Tony there's nothing..." I looked at him in horror, then started crying. He just helped me up and walked me out.

The next couple hours were hard. I had to explain to Pepper who broke down completely at the news. Later that night I was sitting at the bar with a bottle of scotch, back to a bad habit I hadn't even considered since the time we brought Sam home 'till now. Pepper was on the phone talking to the other avengers who had grown close to Sam over the time she was with us. Suddenly I heard the elevator's engine, which meant someone was using it, and it looked like they were coming to this floor, weird? Very few people have access to this floor. The elevator dinged and when I saw the person step out I dropped the glass of scotch that was currently in my hand, and Pepper screamed.


Author's Note:

Okay so that's the end folks! I'm thinking of a sequel, but I'm not sure yet so...

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