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Disclaimer:I only own my oc's

Ok so sure I was trying to show that I'm fine and look tough, but in all honesty I'm not sure what happened. I just can't seem to stop this pounding in my head and after a week since the incident I think I'm gonna tell Tony.

"Hey, Tony can I talk to you?" He's gotten over the whole "Lying" thing.

"Yea, sure what is it Sam?" I looked at him nervously, how was I supposed to tell him?

"Well you know how last week I passed out, well for the last month I've had this pounding in my head, and it won't go away, and there are other side affects that I just...I just can't handle." I was starting to hyperventilate, I wish that was just a side affect but sadly, no I have anxiety.

"Okay, just calm down it's gonna be O.K." He looked at me nervously, "I know you're gonna hate this but I need to do some-" I began to have a full on panic attack I could trust Tony, but he really wasn't helping. He tried to get closer, but I kept backing away. "...Need...*breathe*" He instantly backed up, and held his hands up in a way of surrender. I dropped to my knees and held my head in my hands Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale. I was chanting it inside of my head trying to calm down. The tears had already started, I knew I needed to get out of there and fast.

I got up on wobbly legs and ran to the elevator and then from there in to my room. I immediately collapsed onto the floor, my breathing erratic, and my head throbbing. I love Tony, but it's a sore spot. Lab coats and experiments and "tests" all bring bad memories, I don't even like going to the doctor (well who does? but I have better reasoning). Oh gosh, I feel sick. I ran to the bathroom. Hunching over the toilet I began to throw up. Anxiety attacks are the worst. I'm just lucky it's the one type of emotional discharge that doesn't immediately cause my powers to go crazy, however it does every once in a while so I'm pretty much walking on eggshells.

I can hear Tony and possibly Pepper out side my door trying to get in. I assume JARVIS told them of my current condition, and Tony already knew something was knowing him any minute now he'll remember the override controls he has- I hear the door open, so he remembered... Tony and Pepper come rushing in the room and since I forgot to lock the bathroom door they cam right in. Pepper pulled back my hair as another wave of nausea swept over me.

"You okay?" She asked in a soothing voice. I nodded my head yes, but as soon as I did I began to sob uncontrollably, Pepper wrapped her arms around me in a comforting way only a mother could do. As my breathing and crying slowed down I pulled away from her and looked at the ground.

"Now, care to explain?" Pepper asked. I sucked in two large breaths and began to explain, "I've had extreme anxiety ever since I was little and Tony triggered it..." Pepper glared at Tony, so I figured I ought to finish"...because I told him about some issues I've been having with my head and stuff, and then he mentioned running some tests..." I began to start to breath heavier, Pepper started to rub my back in a soothing way. "-and it triggered an attack." Pepper nodded her head sympathetically, and Tony looked guiltily at the ground.

"Now that that's handled, we do need to take care of the head thing- or whatever-, we don't have to do tests, however we do need a're both geniuses so figure it out!" Pepper said looking slightly exasperated. Tony and I looked at each other and shrugged. Then we both retreated to our minds, trying to figure out a solution. I vaguely herd pepper mutter something about 'creepy geniuses'. Finally Tony snapped his fingers signalling he had an idea.

"JARVIS run the diagnostics scan we use to use for weapons to make sure everything internally was okay, but change the settings for a person." I smiled, "That's genius!" Before Tony could brag JARVIS began the scan and finished a few seconds after.

"Sir, the only thing that would seem strange compared to normal human anatomy and taking account her powers is unusual brainwaves that seem to exiting and reentering her head at an incredibly fast pace." Tony's eyebrows scrunched together in confusion "JARVIS what does that mean?"

"It means that you must find a way to stop the energy flow or at least slow it down or it could result in...death." Tony got up immediately and said " I'm getting Bruce!"

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