Chapter 16

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The five of us went good together. Colton, Ty, Rosie, Kayla, and I were like the three stooges, except there were five of us and not just three. You get what I mean.


We always had fun together, no matter what we did. But one of the best memories I have is when we all drove down to Myrtle Beach, SC this past summer. It wasn’t that popular at the time, but one of Rosie’s aunts lived on the beach there and Rosie always told us how beautiful it was there. So, Rosie asked if we could come down for a few days and she willingly said yes.


Kayla somehow finagled her parent’s car that had 5 seats to fit all of us and had plenty of room in the trunk for all of our bags.


We were staying for 3 days, 2 nights. We were actually planning on camping out on the beach in this humongous tent Ty had found in his basement. It was meant to fit 8 people so there was going to be plenty of room for everything.


Rosie’s Aunt, Pam, told us there was no need to camp out and that we could’ve slept in her house, but we refused. For some reason, we were all dead set on camping out.


As soon as we arrived, everyone helped out with setting the tent up which took a few hours because none of us knew how to put a tent up and it didn’t come with instructions either. I swear, the entire two nights we slept there, I was terrified it was going to collapse on us during the night and we were going to suffocate.


Once the tent was up and it looked pretty decent, it was already getting dark so we decided to go to the boardwalk for a few hours. The boardwalk consisted of a few rides, a stage for performers, and an actual street full of shops. So, technically, it wasn’t really a boardwalk because where the boardwalk usually is on any shore, there was a well-decorated path with palm trees and flowers everywhere. It curved around the plants, with little benches every few yards, and led you down to a pier that was a mile away. It was actually my favorite part of that trip; it was very relaxing.


After going into several souvenir shops and mindlessly looking around at their items, we grabbed ice cream from one place and started walking down on the path. We walked slow and talked about what we thought of it and what we were planning to do the next day.


“Well, Rosie, I have got to give it to you,” Ty started, putting his free arm around her. “You were right all these years. This place is pretty cool.”


“Right? It’s so cute,” Rosie said.


“Cute?” Colton asked.


“You know, the palm trees that are practically everywhere you turn, the water is so much clearer, and there’s no fish smell that usually haunts every other shore.”


“Alright. I kind of see where you are coming from,” Colton said slowly.


“She is right, though. I could get used to this clean, fresh air. I’ve never noticed how fishy Avalon smelled until I came here,” Kayla added.

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