Chapter 9

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As I probably had said before, Ty was an absolute party animal. He literally either hosted or attended at least one party a week. He mostly hosted his own, though. He prefered staying in his home because it was a much better party spot than in any other house in the suburbs. He lived right on the Avalon shore and if you were wondering where his parents were this whole time, this past summer, they had decided to go touring in Europe and Asia for the next entire year and a half. Of course, it had something to do with their jobs. At least, that’s what Ty had told me. They were to return next Autumn. They left him at home with his older brother, Jeremy, who had just graduated from college and was still looking for a teaching job. Jeremy was the supplier of all the alcohol at Ty’s parties so you could tell he was pretty chill. I’ve only met him once but he’s super nice and a total hottie. Seriously.


Anyways, Ty was planning another party for this Saturday night except I didn’t feel like getting drunk or having to deal with any drunk people that night so I declined the offer I was given. Being the stubborn person he was, Colton didn’t want to go without me so he decided to take Alea, Carly, Alea’s friend, and I to mini-golf and out to eat.   


“Colton, I’m just not feeling it tonight. You can go, though,” I spoke into my cell phone while laying on my bed eating popcorn.


“Pleaseeeee go, baby. I won’t have fun unless you’re there with me,” he begged.


He sighed when he realized I wasn’t responding. “Fine. We could just do something else, then.”


“Like what?”


“Hmm…. Mini golf!” he yelled into the phone causing me to wince slightly.


I sighed now. “I don’t know Colton. Then, I’d have to leave Alea and Carly with them and I don’t know if they’d appreciate that.”


He chuckled lightly, “Bring them with, then, silly.”


I thought about it for a second. Although I wasn’t dying to go play mini-golf, I certainly did not want to stay in this house with these people. “Alright. You sold me. We’ll get ready.”


“Great. Be there in 10 minutes. Byeee Nina,” he said flirtily before hanging up.


The closest mini-golf was about 45 minutes away and when we arrived there, we discovered they had closed early for the night for some huge street fair everyone attended. So we were in some unfamiliar town with nothing to do. We got back in his truck and tried to think of other places to go when Colton’s phone started ringing.


“Hey, Ty. How’s your party?” he answered and put it on speaker.


“Oh, yeah, I had to cancel that. The place Jeremy usually gets all the alcohol for a reasonable price was closed tonight for some reason. So I let the word out that it was canceled,” he explained. “Do you guys want to come over for a regular bonfire get together type of thing, though?”

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