Chapter 15

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It was the perfect night: stars were shining bright in the sky, the moon was smiling down happily at us, a soft summer breeze was blowing through the town. It was beautiful out and I was beyond happy to be with Colton in his dusty, old pick-up truck on our way to the tiny diner located on a deserted, bumpy road that we’ve made ours the past year. Colton always found a way to make me laugh and I absolutely loved that about him. He was so perfect to me; everything about him fascinated me. He was just amazing. We were speeding down the main highway, laughing. The trees outside blurred past us. I had my head out the window, watching the stars as my hair blowed viciously behind me. Everything was great.


That is, until I was jolted forward and shot through the windshield. At first, it was like going in slow-motion. We both slammed forward and as I hit the windshield, I watched the entire piece of glass crack from the one spot my head had hit. Little cracks branched off of the one big crack I created and that’s when the whole thing shattered to pieces and when I flew straight onto the hood of his truck. Everything after that happened so quickly, my mind barely had time to process what was happening. All I knew was that for some reason, Colton slammed on the brakes and we collided with someone. And I knew that I had several deep cuts running from my shoulders all the way down to hips. My head hurt the most, though. It felt like a 500 pound guy was sitting on top of my head and all I wanted was for him to get off of me. He didn't though. He stayed there long enough for me to pass out.


Next thing I knew, I was waking up in this stupid hospital room they put me in with pain all over my body.




-Earlier that day-


My father was forcing me to attend a gang meeting at the warehouse they owned. It was built of brick and scaled about two stories high. Inside was a long, narrow hallway that had several doors on each side. It was very dark, too, for some reason. My father walked me down past 3 doors and then we entered the fourth one on the right side. In this room was a big circular conference table made of a shiny, polished wood. It had black desk chairs spaced around it that were all occupied by men that looked like they were ready to kill me right there and then. My father sat me down in a chair right next to Randy J who literally beamed at me.


“Alright, folks. This is our newest addition, Colton,” he threw his arm around my shoulders like a proud father would. “This meeting was scheduled to discuss the initiation for him to be accepted into our trust circle. Any ideas?”


One guy at the opposite side raised his hand meekly and Randy J nodded his head towards him to allow him to speak. “Sir, does he have any close friends?”


Another guy who was sat three chairs down raised his hand, then. “Perhaps, he has a girlfriend?” he proposed to the crowd.


“Yes. Great idea, Tom.” Randy J’s eyes lit up like a Christmas tree. “Her name is Nina, I believe. Correct, Colton?”


I looked over at him and nodded, resisting the urge to punch him right between his wild green eyeballs.


Randy clapped his hands together and stood. “Great. Then it’s final. To get accepted, kill her.”


I felt my mouth drop wide open and my eyes grew to the size of golfballs. “Wait, what?”


Randy sat back down, “You must kill Nina or else we kill you plus her plus her family and all of your little friends you have down at that little diner you guys enjoy. Is that clear to you, Colton?”


I could not believe what I was hearing. This place was such a fucking joke. It was sick the way they killed people just for the fun of it. I had no other choice than to nod my head. I knew if I refused, I’d be dead on the spot. These people weren’t anyone to play around with. They meant business.


The entire walk home I could not stop thinking about what I had to do. I could either kill one person or have a whole bunch of us killed. After thinking long and hard, I decided I would kill her and then kill myself. And the best way to do that was a car crash. It would most likely injure both of us and if it was severe enough, it could kill both of us. Then we’d be dead together and it’d be only two lives lost not twenty. I know it’s a pretty stupid decision of mine but is there any option that really isn’t?


There was no running away because they’d always find a way to get to you. Somehow, they’re able to track down anyone. They must have connections all over the world which is pretty fascinating, in a way, you know? I don’t know what I’m talking about; the whole thing was ridiculous.


I hated myself for this. I pulled Nina into this whole mess and I hated myself for it. If I never even turned around in that Spanish class to ask her out, she wouldn’t even be in this huge situation.

What a stupid decision that was.

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