Chapter 11 - MAE DAY

Start from the beginning

"Mae," he called. "Mae?" he yelled as I stormed off tears flowing freely now through anger.

"I wouldn't recommend it Lee. You better go listen to the last few minutes of that tape," my solicitor said as I walked over to sign and collect my belongings.

As usual they took their time about it. Wendy's husband had come to see me and give me a lift home. I had told him what I said on the tape. He smiled but looked concerned. "Come on lets get you home," he said taking me out to the car.

"MAE!" Lee yelled.

"Keep walking," Mike said a led me to his car.

"MAE! DON'T IGNORE ME!" Lee yelled. I could hear him running.

Mike bleeped his car and I near enough run to it and got inside. Covering my ears and closing my eyes but I could still hear Lee arguing with Mike.

"Just let me talk to her," he pleaded.

"Sir, I'm afraid she doesn't want to talk to you and is having a police escort home. She has applied for a restraining order and as a lawyer I am sure you know that means you shouldn't be harassing her now," Mike said.

"I'm not harassing her..."

"You have called her name several times in the station and chased her across a car park, she has ignored you. You have heard the tape. She doesn't want to see you now or in the future..."

"She is not taking my daughter away from me!"

"You took your daughter away from you. You signed the paperwork, not her. She is doing what any mother would do, protecting her children. And for the record if any woman told me to give up my daughter for her, I wouldn't be with her, let alone marrying her. I certainly would not be letting her get away with trying to run her down in the street and attacking her on the dance floor of a kids party. I hope you've seen the video, as it is the last time you will see your daughter. I hope the image of her dancing with her friends, giggling and laughing before she is terrorised by your new wife haunts you to the grave. I know it would me," Mike said.

"I have to marry her," Lee said sounding emotional.

"I don't know what fucked up shit you have got yourself into but let's leave your daughter out of it," Mike said. "She has been adopted. Legally you are not her father anymore and you cannot interfere with her being taken out of the country. Maybe the distance will make the separation more bearable."

I heard Lee sigh as Mike got in the car and pulled out of the car park.

"It doesn't take my skills as a detective to know that man does not want to get married and does not want to lose his daughter. Are you sure about this?" Mike asked.

I nodded and burst into tears. I was worried all the way home that Bowdie would have disappeared with Suri and the twins on Lee's orders but he hadn't. He was on the phone when I got there and looked concerned.

Mike had met the men a few times in the past few days as he came to check on us and Suri played with his kids. Wendy thought they were all hot and wanted to swap for a night. I go home with Mike, she stays here with them. Mike would prefer if I went with Wendy and he got to stay the night with the lads, eat pizza, drink beer and watch football.

"Right I recommend a cup of tea and a bit of head clearing space," Mike said. "Oh and Wendy... one wife coming up," he said pulling out his phone as I walked to the kitchen past a sleeping Suri. The twins were both napping too.

"We are going to leave now," Bowdie said as he approached me with a regretful smile.

"Thank you for everything," I said and gave him a hug.

MAE DAY (Book 1 COMPLETE) (Book 2 in progress on Wattpad)Where stories live. Discover now