Camp Half-Blood

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Leo's POV
Being dead and coming back to life can really suck pfffft who knew. As Festus was beginning to touchdown near Thalia's pine tree a thought came to my mind 'how long was I dead for' Calypso didn't know because time worked differently on Oygia so for all Leo knew he could of been out for ten years and all his friends were moved on and had their own families but that thought dissipated when he looked and saw all of his friends getting ready for capture the flag. Percy, Annabeth,Jason,Piper, Nico and even Frank and Hazel were there which confused him since shouldn't they be in New Rome. Aw Leo didn't care he just wanted to see his friends he missed them even big ole Frank. Finally Festus touched down and Leo quickly got Calypso and himself down just in time to have a few arrows fly past him. Leo looked up, it was Will Solace the son of Apollo. " We got ourselves a couple intruders" he yelled to the rest of the camp. Then from out of the shadows Nico came "what is the hades," he said "LEO HOW ARE YOU HERE WE ALL THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD" Nico yelled. "It's really a funny story," Leo began to say but he was interrupted by Nico yelling "GUYS GUYS ITS LEO HE IS HERE". "WHAT!" The rest of his friends from the Argo II said in unison running down to see what Nico was talking about. Then they all stopped dead in their tracks and stared at him, "Leo" Piper eventually whispered. And that's when all Hades broke lose.

How was "camp half blood" again thanks for reading and sorry for the cliffhanger (disclaimer: none of these characters are mine all are property of uncle Rick)

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