t h i r t y - t h r e e

17 2 0




: not having made a decision
: not having an answer or result
: not yet determined or settled an undecided question/issue

May 17 of 2016, the sky were shrouded in a blanket of dullness, the winds were picking up while the majestic figure of sun hid behind the cloud making it look like a dwarf compared its size.

Even in the morning, it was like this, no doubt it'll be spending my time in the solace of my home again. My younger siblings are in their own room, doing their own thing while my older brother was having his time of the day with his girlfriend.

I was busy chatting with my friends, all of them are as bored as me and the others have went to their province and would spend their vacation there. I get off my bed and put my slippers on to take some snacks from the kitchen.

I walked downstairs and heard the notable voice of Mike Enriquez reporting the news of Duterte's success in obtaining the masse's hearts and became the new president of the Philippines. I heard about him since his campaign against drugs were more well known to every people, I think it's a good thing that he became the president lest the drug addicts grew in population.

"Oh Jamie, good grief you're here, can you buy some bread, any type since your uncle and aunt would come here this afternoon" she gave me a hundred and fifty pesos before urging me to go now lest they arrived without the food here.

I can only scrunch up before placing my phone in the table and wear my slippers on. Before I go, I see mom getting down as if she's trying to take something from the kitchen drawer-oh, I get it, she'll take her best set of cutleries and plates.

Ugh, typical filipino, always wanting to show off their new silverware's.

I left our house and immediately head out to go to Majusay bakery which is open for 24 hours. The narrow street was once again filled with mothers who tries to barter from the vendors, kids running from the place and the smell of smoke and gasoline in the air as it mixed with the smell of food.

"So five ensaymada, three monay and four spanish bread?" I nodded and gave the hundred bill before taking the change.

I head back to my home, I wasn't able to head back upstairs when our dog, bimbi, barked loudly indicating that there's starngers outside our home. I went outside and saw my mom's visitor.

"Come in tita, tito, mom's in the kitchen" I offered them a pair of slipper before they remove their shoes and put what I lend them on. "Mom! Tita and tito is here!"

They're not really my blood related Tita and Tito, they're my mother's friends, they just arrived two weeks ago. They're both working in america and hasn't meet for the past four years.

"Let your siblings come down to greet them!" My mother said as I went upstairs and told Jerimie and Joshua to go downstairs and greet the visitors.

It didn't take a while before they got down, they greeted them with smiles and all of a sudden, they gave us money. We thanked them sincerely,  Joshua on the other hand jumped in joy shouting he'll be able to buy what he wanted now that he have some money.


Life continued to be boring after that day, the news coverage was filled with the new president and his plans for the country. I'm too lazy to watch the television and therefore just lay on my bed and surf on the net.

I went to my messenger and click out gc, there was an announcement about filling up forms for the new school year. It's scheduled in another two weeks and each day corresponds to a different course.

I still haven't known I would like to enter, I mean it's related to my future job so of course I would give more time to decide about it. But there's the feeling of uncertainty and pressure, some of my friends buave already decided on their course and the rest was only deliberating on which course to choose.

I on the other hand still felt unsure and undecided though I already have my NCAE results, I still feel undecided.

I don't want to be left behind, I sure am don't want to still be this hesitant and undecided when the time to enroll comes. Besides, there's two weeks of time to decide, I just really have to think of one course that'll suit me.

I mean it'll be my course in the future when I become a college student. What I am taking this year is related to what I would choose in college.

The sound of a message being delivered to me rang as I woke up in my haste of hesitation before I looked at my phone. It was his message, I find it relieving that he still haven't forgotten me and smiled at his and mom's plan in the past week.

Hey, still feeling a bit hesitant?

Geez! How can he be so sweet, ugh, I need to be calm again!

Still is, I'm unsure of what to choose, yours is EIM right? To be exact electrical?

He told me that a month ago, I was bewildered at his decision. I mean it's too far from what I think he'll choose- sports and have never thought that he'll be in that course.

Yep, I wanted to become an architect so I choose it.

Ah! My heart- I'm telling you all my heart! An architect, like those male lead's in Jonaxx stories, ah! If he did became an architect then he'll be the most handsome architect ever!

Glad for you! I know you'll become one, just be patient!

You too, I believe in you

I hope I believe in myself the way they believe in me. I know everyone thinks that I'm too full of myself, that I'm so confident but I'm reality, what's in my head is a different story.

I just don't know what to decide, I'll think about it tomorrow, maybe not. Who knows?


Miguel Castro Enriquez, also known as Mike Enriquez, is a Filipino television and radio newscaster.
Rodrigo Roa Duterte, also known as Digong and Rody, is a Filipino politician who is the current President of the Philippines and the first from Mindanao to hold the office.
• To display their hospitality, Filipinos will often use their finest crockery and cutlery when they have a visitor.
Ensaymada is a coiled buttery bread with sugar and cheese sprinkles is the Filipinos take on brioche.
Monay, this bread is popular with its split in the middle, more dense than usual Filipino breads and usually appearing pale in colour with a shiny gloss.
Spanish Bread, similar texture to pandesal but rolled like a croissant filled with breadcrumbs, butter, and sugar.
National Career Assessment Examination (NCAE) It is an aptitude test geared toward providing information through test results for self-assessment, career awareness and career guidance of junior high school students of the K to 12 Basic Education Program (BEP).

Hello everyone! How are you today?! I hope your days are filled with fun, mine, I just wanted it to be filled with rain and food.

Stay safe and healthy as always okay?! Have a good day!


Thank you!

Cliche (Love Series # 1)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon