Lost And Found

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''They must have awesome hiding spots.'' Ray said as we kept trudging through out the woods. We had found Mel ten minutes ago behind a huge boulder, she had cut her arm, but it wasn't anything serious.

''Mel, didn't you and Gerard hide together? Where is he?'' I asked, pushing a low hanging branch out of my face.

''He ran off, saying that there wasn't enough room behind the rock, which there was plenty off, and what about you and Frank?" Mel questioned, stepping over a log, looking over at me and she stepped through dirt in her black boots.

''Huh? Oh, the tree branch was too short, it couldn't have held the both of us.'' I nodded my head, explaining with certainty.

''Wait, hey guys, what's that behind that bush?" Mikey pointed to an over growing bright, green bush with some kind of berry growing on it.

''Oh hey guys! I guess you found me.'' Gerard said, sounding slightly fake, stepping out from behind the bush. I looked at him carefully, noticing he had a little blood on his shirt.

''Oh my God! What happened, Gee?'' Mel ran up to Gerard, taking notice of the blood on his shirt.

''Oh this, I'm such a klutz. I was running to find a hiding spot and got stuck by... some.. shit...'' Gerard said with an awkward laugh, saying the last party slowly, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly as well. He stood there next to Melissa with an expression only he could make.

''Now all we have to do is find Frank, let's go guys.'' Mikey said quickly, obviously happy that he had been the one to find his brother.


We strolled through the woods a little longer until we heard a loud thud behind us.

''What was that?" Mel said, unintentionally holding onto Gerard a little, whipping her head in the direction of the noise.

''I don't know, let's go check it out.'' Gerard said, throwing his arm around Mel. We walked toward the source of the noise to see a broken branch and Frank brushing some dirt off his jacket. He didn't look phased at all.

''What happened?" Ray asked, concern in his words.

''Oh, I was climbing the tree and the branch gave out.'' Frank spoke nonchalantly, walking up and standing beside me.

''So what now...'' Mikey said.

''It's really dark, lets go home.'' Gerard said, tugging Mel with him.

''Yeah, lets go.'' Frank pulled me along with him, I know it was dark, but I swear I saw blood dripping from his mouth.

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