A Vampire Will Never Hurt You...Maybe. (MCR fan fic)

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HELLO EVERYBODY, this is the first story on a joint account with my friend Melissa, so comment, vote, and fan! It would mean a lot and this story is set where the guys are in high school. Gerard's 17, Ray's 17, Frank's 16, Mikey's 15, and Bob's 18. The band hasn't formed yet. Well, carry on. - Elle



''Hey Emo, what's the rush?'' I felt an arm around my neck and was lifted up off the ground. I was kicking and trying to scream but I couldn't breathe, so my attempts at screaming failed. I was starting to feel lightheaded, I didn't see who grabbed me but I had a pretty good idea.

''Josh, man, you couldn't wait for us before you grabbed the freak?'' One of the jocks said while walking up to me and the brute that has me in a head lock. Apparently it was Josh who grabbed me before I could get to the bus stop. I wasn't really surprised, he's been beating me up ever since elementary school, and my incident with the school play.

The arm loosened around my neck and I fell to the ground, I caught my breath, looked up and glared. There were six jocks around me. I'd say something but they're all twice my size.

''Hey guys, what's this?'' One of the jocks, Daniel, grabbed my sketchbook out of my hands and started flipping through it. I tried to grab it back but was yanked back to the ground by someone I couldn't put a name to, but he was obviously on the football team.

"Oh, hey guys! Look at this! The Emo likes vampires! What a surprise.'' Daniel said, tossing the sketchbook to one of the other guys.

They all looked at the sketchbook, and then started tearing it apart. I fucking worked hours on those. That was it. I reared back and punched Daniel in the nose, grabbed my sketchbook and ran.

Daniel fell to the ground with his hands cupping his face, but that's all I saw because I was too scared to look back. I couldn't bother to wait for the bus. My house was two miles away, I could make it.

I kept charging and heard people running behind me. Of course, the rest of the jocks with Josh, were jogging after me. They can never leave me the fuck alone. There is no way I can out run them. I turned a corner and ducked into a music store, I might as well hide in here until its safe. I pushed some of my black hair out of my face, walking down the aisles of music in a daze until I bumped into somebody and we both hit the floor.

"Ugh.'' The guy I bumped into groaned, getting up. Woah, this guy had some crazy hair. It was like a huge, curly afro.

''Hey, you okay?'' I asked while getting off the floor, helping afro guy up and getting a good look at who I crashed into.

''Yeah man, my hair broke most of the fall.'' He laughed, standing up. I chuckled with him.

''Well, sorry for bumping into you. I'm Gerard by the way.'' I extended my hand. This guy seemed nice enough, he had a Misfits CD, so it's a fact that he has good taste in music too.

''Cool, I'm Ray. Have I seen you before?'' He asked, firmly shaking my hand, a quizzical expression on his face as he looked at me with his brown eyes. Now that I think of it, he does look really familiar. I mean, how many people have that hair?

"I'm a junior at Belleview.'' I said, rubbing the back of my neck. I was never really good at talking to people.

''Oh okay, I'm a senior there.'' He said, nodding his head. He really didn't look like a senior, and as if he knew what I was thinking, he said...

''Yeah, I skipped 9th grade so I'm 17.'' He said smiling. Holy shit, he skipped a grade. That's pretty impressive. I nodded my head slowly. I then took a peek out the window; it looks like the coast is clear outside, so I better get home.

''Alright, well I've got to go, see ya around.'' I said my goodbye, and then started towards home.


My house on the other end of the street was visible when I heard...

''Hey guys! I found him.''

I saw four guys who were all twice my size run out from the corner. I didn't even have time to run before I was surrounded.

''Think you're funny, huh?'' Some guy Bob spat on me.

''Think you can just punch Daniel in the face and run?'' He said with a cocky, mean tone. I never realized until now how intimidating he was. He was really tall with blondish, red hair and was pretty thick and solid. You could tell he was a football player. Then he jumped forward and landed a punch on my jaw.

"OW!" I groaned and yelped in pain. My head snapped to the side and my eyes immediately began to well up with tears from the pain.

I fell to the ground and curled up and that's when everybody started to kick me. I tried to cover my head and stomach but somebody landed a hard kick anyway and I heard my ribs crack.

''Ahhhh!" I cried in pure agony. Footsteps came forward and then the kicking stopped. I took deep breaths in relief. I wanted to see what's happening but I couldn't move.

I felt my head being moved into someone’s lap. I looked up and saw my next door neighbor, Melissa. Her dark hair hung down as she looked at me with concerned eyes. She must have came when she heard me screaming and all of the noise. Next to her was her friend Elle, she looked worried, yet stern. We used to be good friends until we moved schools, then I never really talked to either of them. Truth is, I had and still have a crush on Melissa, so I kind of distanced myself. Nobody like her could love a freak like me.

"You okay?'' Melissa whispered with a worried look still on her face, she knew the answer. I cringed in pain.

''No. I think they broke a few of my ribs.'' I whispered back, standing up with her support through all of the shooting pain going through my body.

''I wouldn't be surprised. You look like you're in pretty bad shape.'' Elle said with no sympathy, looking at my bloody body. She never was one to show sympathy, but she always had my back when we used to be friends. With Melissa's help, I made it back to my house and we got up to the front door. The trip took forever as we walked.

''Are you going to be okay, Gee?'' Melissa asked me, using my nickname. I smiled to myself at the sound of it.

''Yeah." I stood up on my own; trying to show her I was fine even though it hurt like hell. She looked doubtful but let me walk up to the door until Elle called me back.

''Gerard, why did you and Mikes stop talking to us? We're your friends aren't we?'' She said with her Southern accent coming through. She wanted an answer that I didn't want to tell her. Yeah, we were friends at one point but I can't bring them down. They're better off without me.

I nodded and walked into the house, not bothering to say goodbye.

Nobody was home, perfect. I made my way to the kitchen and pulled out a bottle of Jack Daniels from the cabinet. I didn't even bother with a glass. I just want to forget about everything. Forget about how pathetic and useless I am.


I was drinking for about an hour but it wasn't affecting me like I wanted it to. The bottle of Jack was empty, so I went back to the kitchen and pulled out a full bottle of vodka and chugged as much as I could. It burned my throat, making it feel scratchy but it didn't matter, I just want to forget and drown my thoughts in the alcohol. So I kept chugging until I could no longer feel the bottle in my hand or the burning of my throat. I was just floating. I staggered up the stairs, and maybe it's the excessive amount of alcohol I consumed, but there on my bed was a short guy with black hair, sitting and smiling at me. Maybe it's the booze, but I swear to God, before I passed out.... I saw fangs.




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