Vampire Rules

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Hello, everyone reading this story. Here is another part! Sorry, I expected to update sooner, but I couldn't really get to a computer to write all week. The bright side is that this chapter is a little longer, so now you may go read. And don't forget to vote, comment, and fan. <):) please or that poor smiley will lose his hat. - Elle



After the girls left it was just me and Gerard, so I guess I might as well answer a few of his questions because I'm getting bored just sitting here.

''So why exactly did you call me over here?'' I questioned him.

''Well, since you-'' He stopped and pointed his finger in my face. ''-turned me into a vampire, I have a few questions.''

Woah, someones a little sassy.

''Well, first of all Gee,'' I started, Gerard turning red when I used his nickname. ''If you ever point your finger in my face again...'' I grabbed his hand that was still in front of my face and squeezed it until I heard the little snap I was waiting for.

''You'll have none left. Got it?" I smirked when he grabbed his hand and started howling in pain.

''And one of the things I guess you should know by now is that vampires heal extremely quick, that's why you don't have bruises and broken bones like you did last night and your friends aren't lugging your ass everywhere.'' I grinned, remembering what Elle said.

''Anything else you need to know?'' I asked Gerard who was now looking at his hand, which now was completely painless, with a shocked expression on his face.

''Uh, can we go out in the sun? Or will we... y'know... burn?'' Gerard asked with a peculiar expression. I laughed.

''Yes, we can go in the sunlight. It just really hurts your eyes. Oh, and try not to stay out too long 'cause it's like being extremely pale and getting a sunburn, but we crisp a little bit. You'll know before it gets like that because you have to be in the sun for a long ass time for that to happen.'' I explained casually, getting a little impatient.

''Ok, so do I have to drink...blood from people and kill them?'' Gerard said, whispering the last part.

''No, you can usually drink from somebody who's passed out, so usually a drunk or a homeless guy. Oh yeah, and be careful if you drink from somebody with lots of alcohol in their system, you can get drunk off them. Same thing with druggies. You'll get high off them, which is pretty fun but I guess you already know about that.'' I said, looking around Gerard's room and seeing an assortment of drugs and alcohol.

Gerard seemed to ignore the last comment but seemed to be getting pretty angry about something else.

''If I drink from somebody... will they become a vampire too?'' He asked another question.

''Only if your venom gets mixed in with their blood, but you have to do that on purpose.'' I played with some kind of stress ball I picked up off of Gerard's nightstand.

I was waiting for the next question but Gerard wasn't saying anything, so I looked up to see what was wrong. When I looked at him, his face was blood red and man did he looked pissed. Ha! This is gonna be fun...


Frank was looking at me with that fucked up, dumb smirk on his face, tossing a ball up and down in his hand, but right now, all I could see was red. I can't believe he did this to me. I'm a fucking blood drinking vampire!

''If you had to purposely turn me into a vampire, why the hell did you do it?! Why did you chose to fuck up MY life?!" I screamed, thinking about how some monster could turn someone else into a monster. I still can't even wrap myself around the fact that vampires exist!

A Vampire Will Never Hurt You...Maybe. (MCR fan fic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora