Two New Students

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Hey guys! Here's a new chapter! I hope you like it. Vote, comment, and fan if you like it, please. It means a lot. - ELLE



Dammit Frank.

That's all I could think, why did he have to do that? I can handle things by myself just fine. Now both of our asses have to show the new kids around the school as punishment. It's a fucked up kind of punishment, but it's punishment, and I didn't even do anything!

''This way.'' Mr. Kyle said, showing Frank to the office where the new kids should be.

I walked into the office behind Frank, who had a different attitude about this situation than I did. He didn't think it was a big deal at all, and that showing around the new kids would be 'rad'. We both waltzed into the office that smelt of freshly printed paper and coffee, our eyes widening at the sight of the new students.

''What the fuck are you guys doing here?" Frank exclaimed in excitement, only to get scolded by Mr. Kyle for his language. Casually sitting on the bench were the two new students, Melissa and Elle.


''Frank?" Elle questioned after witnessed him getting yelled at by some teacher. ''What are you doing here?"

''We could ask you the same thing." Gee laughed, obviously curious as to why we were here.

''Yeah, what happened at your other school?'' Frank asked, sitting down next to Elle and throwing his arm over the back of the bench, looking thoroughly interested.

''Wanna help me explain?" Elle looked over at me with a slight smile, trying to figure out how to clarify how we ended up sitting in the office of this school.

''Well, you see...''

                                                     FLASHBACK TO EARLIER THAT DAY - MEL'S POV

''How do you think you did on the chemistry test?" I asked Elle with raised eyebrows, already knowing her answer.

''I fucking failed." She gave me an unimpressed look. "How about you?'' She said while laughing, throwing her bag onto her desk. The zipper collided with the hard, solid desk top, making a clinking noise.

''I think I did okay. It was pretty easy for a chemistry test.'' I said with a light shrug. Normally, I fail these tests every time, since Mrs. Keys' chemistry tests and quizzes are usually pretty brutal, but this one was alright. Not easy, but not too hard either. I actually studied a little, and that's rare for me.

''Eh, I'll just never understand that crap.'' Elle shook her head and started drawing random pictures on her notebook paper, indulging in them. Some jock strutted into the room, making his way towards us. Oh great.

''Hey faggot, you're in my seat.'' Jacob said, chewing on a piece of gum. He knocked the books off Elle's desk aggressively. They slammed to the ground with a thunderous noise. His thick brown hair was slicked back. I jumped up out of my desk furiously, yet scared. Elle stayed in her seat and didn't move an inch.

''There are plenty of other seats. I was here first, so how about you just fuck off, kay? I don't want any trouble.'' I stood there in astonishment. Elle isn't so calm when it comes to these kinds of situations, she's usually the first person to throw a punch. Jacob looked dumbfounded.

''No, I think I'm going to sit here.'' Jacob continued, being a complete dick. By this time, his girlfriend, some random, pretty cheerleader was standing behind him.

''You can move too, so Lindsay can sit next to me.'' Jacob sneered at me, being pushy. Who the fuck does he think he is?

''I don't think so. Just sit down Mel, they're not worth it.'' Elle said softly, still remaining unusually calm.

''What, are we not worth your 'precious' time?" Jacob barked at us, his green eyes burning a whole into Elle as he jabbed her in the ribs. She's going to snap, I know it.

''Nope. Not even a second of it.'' Elle said with a smile and leaned over to pick up her books. By now some of the other cheerleaders in the class had gathered behind Lindsay to see what was going on, being nosy.

While Elle was leaning over, collecting her books, Jacob used his foot to tip over her desk. His act sent her toppling into the floor with all of her books. What the hell?! This is getting me extremely pissed off.

Elle was on the floor breathing heavily, obviously trying to keep her temper under control but was failing. Jacob and the cheerleaders were practically doubled over laughing. I hate when they laugh at us. That's what really gets to me. I went over to Lindsay and tapped on her shoulder. When she turned to look at me with that bitchy, stuck up face I see way too often, I pulled my fist back and punched her right across her perfect face. Damn, did it feel good. I smiled, when Jacob turned around, Elle jumped on his back. I knew she'd snap.

It was me and Elle against Jacob, who right now was trying to pull Elle of his back and I was currently fighting Lindsay. Some other cheerleader was added to the mix, the classroom was now pretty empty. Some kids ran out when the fighting started, but there where about five kids around us, cheering us on.

 We fought for another five minutes, at least. A student came back with Mrs. Overman, the fucking evil headmaster who hated us deeply. The feeling is mutual.

When they finally yanked Elle off of Jacob and got Lindsay to stop crying about her chipped nails and scraped forehead, I looked at everybody. I had a scratch on my cheek from Lindsay's fake nails that burned like hell, and Elle's nose was bleeding. She also had a few scratches on her arms from Jacob trying to get her off his back, but other than that, me and Elle were fine. But them on the other hand looked bad. Lindsay had a gushing, bloody nose and a gash down her cheek. The other girl suffered a black eye and a busted lip, and Jacob, well he looked horrible. He had a tore up lip, black eyes and scratches covering his face. His nose was probably broken. How the hell did Elle do that from the back?

We got pulled into the headmaster's office, Mrs. Overman whirled around in her chair and boy did she looked fucking pissed.

''I have heard from at least ten students, Jacob, Lindsay, and Sara that you started the fight. I have no choice but to expel you. I'm not going to sugar coat this for you two. You both will be transferred to Belleview as soon as you collect your things. What do you have to say for yourselves?'' Mrs. Overman glared at us with disgust and from what I noticed, a hint of happiness. We where leaving, there was no trying to explain. We didn't start the damn fight, we didn't have anyone who would stick up for us, so I looked at Elle and she nodded her head.

''Yes, we do have one last thing.'' Elle said, a grin curled her lips, me alike.

''Fuck you!" We yelled in unison, raising our middle fingers as we left, walking out of the office together, feeling proud and exhilarated. I glimpsed back once and saw Mrs. Overman standing there with her mouth wide open.

 ''So, what now?" Elle asked.

''We go to Belleview.'' I simply answered.

                                                           END OF FLASHBACK - STILL MEL'S POV

 "No way!'' Gerard and Frank were pretty much doubled over laughing by now, snorting.

''You really go here now, huh?''Gerard asked me, smiling happily when I nodded.

''Let me see your schedule.'' Frank said, grabbing both me and Elle's schedules.

''Yay! We have the same schedule.'' Frank jumped up and down with Elle gleefully.

''This is going to be so fun, Mel!'' Elle cheered, looking unbelievably peppy.

All suspicions put aside, she was right this was going to be awesome.

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