Alice White

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—  What do you associate with the word "angel"? Incredibly beautiful guys and girls in white robes and with wings on their backs? You are close to the truth. More precisely, this is the truth. We angels are really like that. But there are things you probably don't know about us. It is not surprising. After all, people rarely recognize us among their own kind, or even meet us after death. Let me introduce myself. Alice White. Angel. Fourteen human years.

We angels, like some other races, have no parents. We are born on our own, in a certain period of time. And not even babies, but practically formed personalities, both physically and mentally. We have our own school where we learn everything an angel should know. From certain knowledge to the art of combat. I chose a bow as my weapon, and I also took physical wrestling classes. The ability to fight with the help of fists, legs, and so on.

One day I was sent on a mission to earth. This is my first mission. The goal is that I have to keep an eye on a half-breed girl. She is the daughter of a human and Yuki-Onna. Name Is Juvia Loxar. Blue hair and eyes. However, I would have recognized her immediately. We,  angels, can see the auras of other beings and learn a variety of information from them. Gender, age, race, abilities, weaknesses, belonging to a particular element.

To begin my mission, I had to enter the human world and merge with its inhabitants. Become one of them. I was helped to become a student of the educational institution that my ward went to, if you can call her that.

From the first day, I had to deal with the special attitude of people towards those who are not like them. To be honest, I didn't care a bit. I didn't care what they said about me. The main thing is to follow the goal.

Did I hate her because of the fact that she had demonic blood? No. I didn't know anything about her other than a few things like her name and race.

Although I guess I was still curious to find out what she was like. What was my surprise when one day I saw a scene. This one piqued my interest even more, and also introduced me to one person. The guy who became my best friend.

Several girls surrounded a fair-haired boy who, apparently, wanted to make a gift to a certain Alice. He nervously clutched the beautiful scarlet ribbon that was supposed to be a gift.

"You'll never have a girlfriend! Look at you! You don't have any masculinity or attractiveness! Even a scarecrow like Alice will never look in your direction! - the one who was the leader exclaimed, grinning. Next to her, her friends giggled, supporting their leader. — Maybe if you weren't such a coward, you would have done something worthwhile in your life!

The boy lowered his head. His shoulders were shaking. A little more and he will cry.

Juvia suddenly came to their table. She stood in front of the blond man, covering him with her body. The scowl told them that if they didn't leave him alone, nothing good would happen to them.

— You are violating public order.

- Does it concern you?- the leader arched an eyebrow, crossing her arms over her chest. The girls standing next to her did not share their leader's behavior. Their faces expressed fear and bewilderment. — Do me a favor, back off.

- So you think you have the right to bully this kid? Do me a favor and get the hell out of here.

One of the girls turned pale, and the other was shivering from the cold. 

- Let's get out of here. We'll deal with you later.

- After this incident, I thought about it. Are all demons really evil and dangerous creatures of the dark, bringing only pain and destruction? Or are there others like this girl? Ready to come to the aid of the weak, without using force and without killing anyone. Who knew that this girl, Juvia Loxar, would become another friend of mine. Fate likes to throw unexpected surprises, doesn't it?

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