Chapter 2

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I have opinions, always internally spoken.  One of them is this, Monday has to be the worst day of the week.   It's really not the start of the week, but it is the start of work and school weeks normally.  I'm not the biggest fan of Monday.  But here I am, begrudgingly trudging my way to school.  Online classes would be so awesome...

I normally take the scenic route and take a stroll through my woods when I walk, or run as my wolf, basically anywhere.  My woods.  That's what I consider them.  The woods surrounding the pack lands are my solace.  My dad taught me so much out here, so it's where I feel closest to him still.   That's why I walk and run through them all the time.  Traversing through them both to and from school and work are the highlight of my day.  The simple sounds of the woods are soothing to my soul.  Even my wolf, who prods me to be more social, appreciates our time out here.  We frequently shift into my blonde wolf to run through them.  It's one of the things we both agree on the most.  The proximity to nature, the connection to dad, and the peace is worth every minute we can spare.

I make it to school and into homeroom just as the bell rings.  Crestwater is a mix of human and werewolves so we have classes with the human students that live around and in town throughout the day.  Our homerooms and lunch times were setup so that it was either only wolves or only humans.  It gave the teachers and students a single point in the day where any wolf-specific items could be discussed safely.

Unfortunately, since homerooms were also grade specific, that meant that my pains in the ass were in the same room with me every damn day.  I call them that because they are the primary source of my social pariah status.  Well, that and just the way I am.  They have no problem pointing out all my 'deficiencies' such as my clothes, my geekdom, even my loner status.

I go to my normal seat at the back corner of the room near the window.  I typically appear uninterested or spaced out and look out the window all period, most of them time while listening to music.  I'm actually paying very close attention but the inattentiveness I exude keeps my invisibility intact.  Participation equals attention.  I don't want attention.  The time for attention was years ago, in another lifetime.

I can sense that the Alpha and Beta's children have filed into the room, always right as or after the bell since they really can't get into trouble.  Our Alpha's son, Chase, always saunters in with his arm around his girlfriend Danielle.  They aren't mates but goddess knows they act like it.  After him comes the Beta's son, Jace, and his twin sister Jacklyn.  Their parents were expecting them at the same time, so they planned the names of their children.  They knew or at least hoped that their children would be the next generation of leaders, so they got all rhythmic with their names.

"Settle down now everyone," our teacher Mrs. Farrow says to get our attention. She then proceeds to go through the weekly school events, lunch menus, and other reminders. For us, the weekly reminder to watch any wolf behavior in school is echoed, just as every Monday.  Sadly, reminders are necessary.  We see a lot of hormonal teenage males get growls around females that they are dating.  Or just because boys can be boys.

"Oh! We also have some bigger news class.  Alpha Meiers from the Lunarhills pack and his son will be visiting Crestwater in the coming weeks.  The Alpha and Alpha Alex," she nods to Chase, "are in talks about furthering our treaties.  If they can come to an agreement, the packs would have more opportunities to participate in mating balls, furthering trade between our packs, and expanding cross training opportunities between each other."  Crestwater has had a treaty with Lunarhills for years.  I can't recall the last time it was renewed, which is likely why the visit is happening now.

The class starts humming with excitement.  Besides the fact that mating balls and cross training opportunities mean a higher chance of finding one's true mate, whenever an Alpha travels, they generally bring an entourage.  And the snootier girls are always looking to catch themselves a ranked wolf if they can't find their true mate.  Just like humans, we have plenty of people around that are social climbers or "gold-diggers".  If you think watching girls in general get overly flirty, wolves are worse.

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