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I was nine years old when I went for my first field mission.

It was a simple drug mission. All we had to do was receive the shipment and leave, but there was always some sort of trouble that made the mission go wrong.

I had gotten up early to train. Even though we wouldn't be leaving until after nine pm, I still wanted to make sure I wasn't getting hurt, just in case anything did happen. 

My father's organisation was full of men. You would never see a woman walk in there unless she was from another organisation, or doing business with my father. 

There were the wives of my father's men but they were just people that no one really cared about since all they cared about was money. The only reason a man of the mafia would marry was to produce heirs. 

If that heir turned out be a girl, they would be trained to be the leader of the organisation, like me.

I was the only girl, and when word on the street spread that Elijah Dagger had a daughter, people began to think I was some sort of myth.

The night of our first mission, my father walked into my room while I was checking myself in the mirror. My hair was tied up in a high pony tail and I was wearing an all black suit. 

My father said that I shouldn't cut my hair short since it would be easy for someone to target my neck. So I kept my hair long, and even when it was tied up, it still reached about half way to my stomach.

"Is there anything you need Father?" I grew to call him 'Father'. It seemed more right, especially when there were people of other mafia organisations coming and going.

"Yes, I wanted to give you this." He handed me a black mask that had a beautiful design on it, with ribbon to tie it around your head.

"Are we going to a masquerade ball?" I asked chuckling as I took the mask from his hands.

He chuckled. "No we are going to the Port of London to receive some shipment but, that mask is so that people don't question who you are. I know it won't do much, especially considering it only covers your eyes but, you should wear it whenever we go out." He said seriously.

I nodded, turning back to my mirror. I brought the mask closer to my face and tied the ribbon behind my hair. Staring at myself through the mirror, I wondered what my life was becoming.

"I'll meet you downstairs love." My father said as he walked out of the room. I nodded his way and looked back to my mirror. 

Grabbing my knife from the top of my dresser, I left my room and went downstairs to find everyone getting onto motorbikes and cars. I hopped onto Niall's motorbike as my father got into his car.

It's not that I was uncomfortable with my father but, Niall raised me, while my father taught me how to fight. In a way, Niall was more like a father to me since he was my caretaker.

We drove to the docks and there was a huge ship waiting for us. Lots of men surrounded the area, guarding and watching out for the authorities. 

We hopped off our vehicles and joined the men at the edge of the docks. I remember there being crates with my father's name on them. 

I followed close behind Niall, keeping my knife in my closest pocket. The men around us looked extremely dangerous, and I was being cautious.

"Are all shipments here Wyatt?" My father asked the man standing my the crates.

"Yes Elijah, they're all here. I'm going to need the payment." The man named Wyatt said.

My father began to ask his men to bring the money when this 'Wyatt' laid his eyes on me.

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