𝟑- 𝐃𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐫

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I woke up in my own bed, but Y/N wasn't next to me.

I fumbled around the room for any signs that it wasn't just a dream. To my luck, I couldn't find any clues.

Was it really just a dream? I sighed. I felt so.. Happy. I think that was the moment I realized I really did want her by my side.

I quickly threw on my black ripped jeans and a V-neck turquoise shirt. Slipping on my Doc Martins, I left my room after grabbing my phone, and made my way to the dining room.

To my luck, Y/N was sitting there with Mina. Mina had some huge grin on her face, and Y/N just had a small smirk.

I walked over to them, and tapped Y/N's shoulder. "I have to talk to you." I demanded, and she agreed. "Okay." She said, getting up. Mina tried to follow us but I stopped her. "Just Y/N and I, please." I asked, and she nodded. "Ooo! I know what this is about. Don't kiss too long! I get bored easy!"

I walked Y/N around the corner and flushed red. "What did you need, Momo?" She asked, as we both came to a halt.

I breathed.

"Y/N, was it just a dream?" I asked, staring at my shoes. They were black and shiny. "Was.. What just a dream?" She asked, looking at me. I could feel her gaze into my head.

"Um, you know.. The movie? The sleepover?" I laughed nervously. "It was probably just my imagination."

"Yeah, I think it was just your dream then. Sometimes I have those too. Like fever dreams! They confuse me and I gotta check reality." She said, resting a hand on my shoulder. My heart sank.

She laughed. "Got you!" She giggled. "It wasn't a dream, unless we both had the same dream. Still on for dinner?" She asked, and I tilted my head up. "Yeah." I said, relieved. "Come to my dorm at 5:30." I stopped. "Does that time sound okay?" I asked, to which she nodded in response.

"Cool!" She said, and gave my back a pat as she walked past me. "See you, Momo." Almost to the stairs, I heard Mina squeal. "Yay!" She yelled, and I heard Y/N faintly shush her. It made my heart flutter a little.


It was about 5:15 at this point, I was finishing putting on some of my mascara, and waiting for Y/N to knock on my door.

I was wearing that sage dress I liked with white heels and a fluffy white jacket. I decided I wanted my hair down, and I had brushed it straight.

Just as I finished putting my mascara spool back into the bottle, there was a knock on my door. I smoothed myself down one last time before I walked over.

I opened the door. "Hi, Y/N!" I said, and greeted her with a hug. "Hey!" She laughed, and grabbed my hand. "Ready?" She asked.

I nodded, and grabbed my purse. "Let's go." I smiled.


"Hm," Y/N hummed, while driving around the parking lot, looking for a spot.

"There!" I said, pointing to an open parking spot, somewhat near the front of the restaurant. She thanked me, and slowly backed into the parking spot. As we both got out of the car, she ran over to my side, to help me open my door and get out of the car.

"Let's head in, no?" I asked, smoothing down my hair that was blowing in the wind. "Yeah. Let's go."

"Hello! I'm Domi, and I'm going to be your waitress today." The waitress said, and smiled at us.

Domi had long brown hair the faded out into orange at the very ends, and she had brown eyes.  I studied her nametag. Dominque. I looked behind her and noticed a blonde and pink girl giving Dominque the death glare.

Yeah, Domi was pretty and I could see girls glaring at her as expected, but she was nowhere near as pretty as Y/N.

"Momo!" Y/N snapped, kicking my foot from under the table. "Ow!" I said, quickly realizing that our waitress was asking for drinks and appetizers.

I quickly ordered as our waitress scribbled down mine and Y/N's orders. "I'll be right back!" She said, and Y/N and I quickly said a brief thank you, and she was off to her next table.

I leaned forward and sighed.

"Anything wrong?" Y/N asked, and also leaned forward grabbing the bread they had already brought out and putting oil on her appetizer plate.

"No, not really. Just a bit riled up, I got a little stressed having to order so quickly." I stopped and grabbed bread myself. "I guess I just need to stop zoning out."

"I see." She answered. "What were you even zoning out about anyways?" I just stared. "Ookay." She looked back down at her bread. It was my turn to ask. "Are you okay?" I looked at her as she swallowed her piece of bread. "You're not acting yourself." I commented, and she looked at me.

"Yeah, I'm fine." She replied, and added a smile at the end. It looked like her normal smile, so I decided to stop worrying.


Domi and already brought our drinks and appetizers and had returned to bring our orders.

"Thanks!" Y/N and I both said, and Dominique nodded a "you're welcome." Before she trotted off presumably to her other tables.

I began to mix around my order, but noticed Y/N wasn't doing the same.  "Damn, they got my order wrong." She said, and picked up her fork. "Oh well, I'm not one to send it back. I just don't like fish."

"No, no! That's okay!" I quickly switched dishes  with her. "Have mine." I offered. "No fish."
She tried to decline at first, but I insisted until Y/N gave in.

"Well, thanks." She said, and resumed mixing my dish, and I started mixing hers, adding salts and pepper as needed.

Within 5 minutes, no words were spoken and no glances were exchanged. Something is definitely wrong. "Uh, Momo?" I said, quiet. "Mhm?" She hummed, refusing to look up from her dish.

"I know you told me nothing's wrong, but there is definitely something on your mind and I wanna know what it is. Its keeping you from being your chirpy self."

She laughed. "Chirpy? That's a new one." But I didn't laugh. I just looked at her. "Okay, so you're really not gonna let this go?" She mumbled, so quiet I almost didn't catch it.

"Okay well, Momo, I was wondering if this is really a date, you know? Like I know I called it that but I didn't know if you actually wanted it to be that and whatnot, but yeah, I've been thinking about that this whole time. I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable but I just wanna say, you're pretty great. And you're gorgeous, and funny, and caring, and just all around amazing. So Momo, just tell me right now if you want this to be a date or not."

I just looked. I could feel my face heating up. I snapped over Dominique. "Domi, bill. Now. It's an emergency and we gotta go." I stood up and left cash, more than enough to cover the bill. I didn't even look at Y/N.



i love u

You saved me. / 𝘈 𝘔𝘰𝘮𝘰 𝘟 𝘍𝘦𝘮! 𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳 𝘚𝘵𝘰𝘳𝘺Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang