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       "Where the hell is Momo?" I asked, opening my lunch and taking a seat. Kaminari, with his mouth full, shrugged his shoulders in response. "Whatever. You're no help." I mumbled, as I pulled out my phone, calling Momo for the 6th time since lunch started. I set it down, not really expecting her to pick up, but-

     "Yes?" a voice called. Yay! Momo! I picked up the phone and threw it to my ear. "Momo! You're okay!" I said, pausing. But then I scrunched my eyebrows. "Hey, wait! Don't 'Yes?' me! You had me and Kami worried sick!" I grumbled into the phone.

      "Speak for yourself!" Kami said, to which I responded by giving him a kick under the table.

       "What the hell are you even doing?" I asked, switching the phone to my other ear and taking a sip of my apple juice. "Uhh.." She hummed.

       "YOU SKIPPED?" I sighed. "It's like you don't even wanna be a hero." I told her, to which she retaliated rather quickly. "Shut it! I'm not skipping! I train with Todoroki regularly, so shut it!"

       I chuckled. "Jeez, chill out." I sipped my apple juice again. "Me and Kami are coming to see you after school." I told her, and looked at Kami. He shook his head no but didn't say anything.

        "HUH?" Momo said, and Kaminari sighed. "Okay, Yao-Momo. Goodbye now, we'll see you soon, okay?" She hummed an angry hum in response and hung up. Moody bitch.

      "MINA! Are you stupid??! I never agreed to go see Momo!" Kaminari yelled at me, and I glared at him. "Oh my gosh, suck it up, you wet blanket. You'll live." I finished off my apple juice, and stood up. "Thank goodness school's almost over."

       "Yeah, thank goodness."


        I sighed. Y/N and I were going to go to school, but she ended up falling asleep on my bed while I got ready so I just laid down with her and drifted off. Except Mina's constant calling woke me up. Now I have to get up and get ready to see her and Kami.


Y/N began to stir. Finally, idiot. She lifted herself up and rubbed her eyes. "What time is it?" Jeez, that's your first question? "7:02." I answered. "PM."

"PM?" She gasped. "School! I missed school! Azu's gonna beat me half dead!" She shook out her hair. "Brush! Momo! I need a brush!"

"Take a chill pill." I said, grabbing her wrist. "First of all, who the hell is Azu?" I asked. I could've sworn her face turned a little bit pink. Her boyfriend? Nah. She's not a cheater.

"My brother, silly! Saijo?" She said, grabbing the brush that sat on my vanity. Oh. I knew she wasn't a cheater. "Eh?? If he's your brother, why address him by his last name?" I cocked an eyebrow. "Because Azumaya sounds so much cooler than his first name." She laughed. "Obviously. Where's my phone?"

"Right here." I grabbed it from the bedside table and handed it to her. "Thanks!" She laughed.

I grabbed my own phone. Mina hasn't stopped by yet. I should call her. "Hello?" She picked up. "Yo, are you coming over here?" I asked, standing up and walking to the bathroom. "Oh, right. Kami's probably isn't going to come though- AUUUGH"


"Was that a moan." I paused. "Are you.. Fucking Kami..?"


I laughed. Those two. "What's so funny over there?" Y/N asked. She was already off the phone with her brother.

"You're that calm? Saijo's not gonna beat you?" I asked, her mood changed pretty fast.
"No, I just told him I didn't feel good. It sounded like Chi made it to his place anyways." She shut her eyed briefly. "Wait, did you just address him by his first name?"

"Uh, yeah. He's not here anyways." I replied.
"Oh, I guess."

Silence. Awkward Silence.

"Erm, would you like to use the bath? And uh.. Clean up?" I broke the silence.

"You know my dorm's just down the hall?" She asked, raising an eyebrow. "Oh, yeah, I mean, I do know, but, like.." I stumbled on my words. "Nervious?" She laughed. "No! I never stutter like that! Especially not infront of you!"

"Oh? What's that supposed to mean?" She started walking closer to me. I put my hands up in defense. My face was turning red.

"You've been mean all day." She grabbed my wrist. "Look at me." She grabbed my chin and lifted my face up by hers

I looked her dead in the eyes and saw she wasn't looking back. Instead, her focus was on my lips and when I noticed that I felt butterflies go through my stomach.

   Our lips were so close I felt her breath on my face.

You saved me. / 𝘈 𝘔𝘰𝘮𝘰 𝘟 𝘍𝘦𝘮! 𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳 𝘚𝘵𝘰𝘳𝘺Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat