In sickness and health||Mitsuki ft Boruto and Sarada

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Day two: In sickness and in health.

Golden irises looked at the white ceiling of his room almost lifelessly. They were fading out just like the other parts of his body to a sickly yellow colour. Those eyes belonged to a sixteen year old boy.

He had pale skin that looked- if he were not so sick- like the moon shone down on smooth porcelain. His platinum hair shone prettily a light shade of blue under light like mystic water. Mitsuki looked like a creature born from moonlight. He was very handsome but very sick. This much could be seen from his now ghostly pale skin and yellow hollow eyes.

He was not like this before. When December rolled in, Mitsuki and his closest friends had been planning to go to a concert together and have fun but everything just had to collapse.

•12 days of Christmas

Thunder burger was hosting its favorite customers today like every other day. The weather was chilly but not cold enough to make it snow. Mitsuki was seated beside his best friend, Boruto and they were both sitting across their other best friend Sarada.

The trio were always seen together and if not, Mitsuki and Boruto were always joined to the hip while Sarada was with Cho Cho. Today was no exception.

A plate of the spiciest burger known to man was in front of Boruto with a cup of warm coffee. The blond's taste buds had long destroyed to be able to consume such spiciness as if it was water according to their lazy friend, Shikadai. Sarada had a medium burger with coffee while Mitsuki had some tea alone. He could not consume greasy food because of his medical condition.

"What are you guys doing for Christmas?" Boruto asked with his mouth full.

Sarada's nose wrinkled in disgust as specs of chewed food flew out of the blond's mouth. He was nothing like his father, Sarada huffed internally. Her precious Naruto-sama was so sophisticated and cool, maybe Boruto was adopted. "Don't talk with your mouth full, boke!" She chastised and bopped his head.

Little did she know that her mother did the same thing to her 'sophisticated' Lord Naruto when they were younger.

Mitsuki giggled at their antics and sipped some tea. "I would be spending Christmas with my father and brother." He answered Boruto's earlier question.

"That's cool! I have never really seen your brother but Orochimaru-san is quite popular like my baa-chan." Thankfully Boruto's mouth was not full this time around so Sarada's food was protected.

"Log doesn't like showing himself, he's strange." Mitsuki commented.

"You're the strange one Mitsuki." Sarada quipped. "Moh, I shall also be celebrating with my parents." She munched on her burger.

"Yosh!" Boruto exclaimed. "Have you heard of AJR's concert on the 26th?!"

"Shut up!" Sarada gasped. If one thing was common to the three of them it was their love for the brothers' band.

"I am always slow on stuff like this." Mitsuki pouted.

"It's going to be awesome dattebasa!" Boruto yelled as he fished out his phone to show his friends the news feed.

"I wish it was a new album drop but this is also sweet. I have to order tickets..." Sarada began.

"Already done!" Her blond friend interrupted. "Consider this an early Christmas present from me to you guys!" Boruto was all smiles as he pulled out some surprisingly neat tickets from his bag pack and gave his friends.

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