You're On The Phone With Your Girlfriend She's Upset

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Luz began her walk to the Blight Manor. The Blight's are a very wealthy and prestigious family. Their manor being located in a woodsy area, much like the majority of the town's homes.

Luz didn't mind it though, in fact, she loved it. The early evening walks were a way for her to clear her head and have some time to herself, away from the pressure of social life.

Luz adored her life, she had finally felt welcomed. Most her life, people looked at her as though she were the oddest thing to walk the earth. But being marked as star player of her first and only playoff game of her freshman year had her labeled from "oddball" to "superstar".

Luz was grateful, but what she'd give to go back to when no one noticed her. To when she could have an Azura book club at Amity's secret hideout without the worry of rugby practice or walk through the marketplace with Willow or Gus without people asking how rugby was going or how the team was doing.

Luz couldn't help but wonder, what may have happened if Amity had played the whole game through.

She stopped wondering when she reached the gates of Blight Manor. She input the code on the pin pad as she gripped her backpack strap with the other hand.

Luz hated to admit, but every time she was with Amity, she felt her heart soar and the butterflies in her stomach let loose.

She knew she shouldn't feel like this. Amity is her best friend after all, and Luz has a girlfriend. A pretty, smart, sweet loving girlfriend. But why did Luz always feel like she was walking on eggshells when she was around her girlfriend.

Luz never felt like she could be herself when she was with Alexis, but she always assumed it was just her feeling that way. Alexis never said anything that would hurt her directly, which is why Luz always pushed those thoughts aside.

The gates finally flew open and Luz began her walk up the long driveway. She waved to the gardener and gave him a smile.

Luz always did that, because she knew how much a small gesture meant.

She finally arrived at the door and gave the doorbell a ring. She patiently waited as she heard the sound echo from the outside. The house may be large but the walls were sure thin.

Finally, she heard footsteps from the other side and the door swung open. She was met with her set of  favorite twins.

"Emira, Edric, hey!"

"Hi, Luz!" Was said in unison. No matter how long she knew the two, it was always odd to her. But she loved that about them.

Luz gripped her backpack and kept her smile, "I'm here for Amity." Hoping they would spare no time and send her up to Amity's room.

But this was the twins Luz was talking about.

Emira threw on a fake frown and leaned against the doorframe quite dramatically, "Not for us?"

Edric threw on the same expression and shook his head, "Guess we aren't quite as fun as Mittens." He told his twin as they both looked down in sadness.

Luz knew they were only joking, but they always managed to make her feel just a little bad, "N- no! I mean, I think you guys are cool and all-"

They both laughed at her and stepped aside, opening the door all the way and motioning for her to pass through.

"We always expect the same reaction out of you cutie, it never gets old," Emira smirked and put a hand on her shoulder, "we totally understand why Mittns loves having you around."

Both of them pulled away from her and shut the front door. They winked at her and waved her goodbye as they left towards the den, "Have fun you two," came from Edric and then they were out of sight.

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