Unexpected Company||GaaFuu ft Shinki

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Day one: Unexpected Christmas company.

Gaara hated Christmas. He probably sounded like the Grinch who stole Christmas but the festive season really annoyed him. He hated the lights, he hated how cheerful everybody seemed, he hated the way his siblings harped him about the joys of Christmas, he hated everything.

The redhead had always been alone since birth. He was born prematurely after which his mother died. His father hated and tried to kill him for her death. He was cared for by his uncle who died when he was six. His father died when he was a teenager so his sister, Temari, took custody of him being old enough to do so.

Gaara had always been lonely but he made a few friends who stuck by him. However they all left him alone too. Naruto got married to Hinata and had two children with her. Sasuke married Sakura and birthed a daughter. Neji married Tenten and became a father. Shikamaru married his sister and fathered his nephew. Lee had a son that looked just like him but without round eyes. Everybody was marrying and having children but here he was, a typical single Pringle.

Gaara was not a children person, neither could he handle relationships well. That much could be pointed out in his failed relationships with Shijima and Hakuto but he did not want to remember those.

Currently, he was lounging on his couch scrolling through TV channels for one that did not stream Christmas carols or movies. His search was proving abortive though. Being an editor for the Shinobi magazine meant he was free most times, something he hated. He should get an office job that would be time consuming, that would be nice.

His door bell rang and Gaara grumbled to himself. It was probably Kankuro coming to bug his ass about some Christmas brothers bonding shit again. The red head opened the door only to be met by a woman. She had the strangest green hair and topaz eyes. Her Santa hat sat smug on her head and she held a leaflet in her mitten hands.

Oh no.

"Joy to the world-!"


Gaara shut the door on her face before she could get the first line of her song done. One more thing he hated about Christmas was the carolers. The redhead cursed loudly when the doorbell rang again and went to open it. It was the same woman.

"Joy to-!"


Gaara groaned when his doorbell was pulverized by the stubborn lady. No matter how hard he tried to push away the shrill noise of the doorbell ringing in his ears, his efforts proved abortive till he had enough.

"What?!" He snapped as he opened the door.

"I'm Fuu-su!" The woman beamed. Gaara felt like he was locked in a cell with the sun. She was too bright.

"Well get the Fuu-ck out of my doorstep!" Gaara barked rudely and proceeded to close the door only to find out that he could not close it.

"Ow." The woman, Fuu, winced as Gaara repeatedly tried to slam the door shut despite knowing that her leg was in the way. The redhead finally gave up when he realized that Fuu would not remove her leg even if he smashed it to a pulp.

"What do you want?" Gaara asks in exasperation.

"You're not very nice." Fuu said as she rubbed on her sore foot through her white boots.

"Isn't it too early to go caroling?!" Gaara ignored her reprimanding and decided to look for a way to get rid of her. It wasn't even Christmas eve yet! What the hell was she looking for?!

"Well Panda-chan, I am your new neighbour-su!" Fuu exclaimed loudly and with a big grin that could rival the sun in brightness.

Gaara growled at the nickname he was given. "Do. Not. Call. Me. A. Panda." He warned slowly as if talking to a child but the words ricocheted off the dark woman's ear muffs.

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