Ch.6 Doors

212 11 5

-Your pov

I didn't ask any more questions. I ran out of the house and across town. I could hear him running after us. He was fast. Faster than normal. What happened to him?

"Y/n let me take over! I'll fight him off!" Talutah shouted as we continued to run.

"Liu said to run. That's what we are going to do. Run somewhere and hide until Liu comes back to his senses." I replied while running into the woods. I was starting to run out of breath. I was hoping that Liu would stop chasing me, but he was not slowing down.

"Get back here!!" He yelled. I never heard someone so mad before. Liu was more enraged than my mother ever was.

"Y/n let me take over! He is not going to give up!" Talutah shouted. I ignored her and continued to run. I took a sharp turn and ran into an abandoned building. I couldn't decide what was going faster. My heart or my mind. I ran up each flight of stairs I came across, but Liu was close behind and gaining. I could barely breath when I reached the last floor, but I didn't stop until I was at a broken window. It then hit me that I trapped myself. I willingly ran into a dead end.       I have practically walked into death's arms. I hesitantly turned towards the doorway. Liu was barely visible in the dark.

"Come here    right   now!" He shouted from the shadows. I could see the blade shining in his hand. I have only two doors. One, approach Liu and most likely get killed. Two, jump out the window and definitely die. 

"You have three doors Y/n. Let me take over." Talutah said. Her voice was full of determination. I sighed and nodded my head before she took control of my body. We could see the confusion in Liu's eyes as Talutah started laughing. 

"Have it your way." She said before charging at him. Liu had his knife ready, but he wasn't prepared for Talutah's swift actions. She grabbed his wrists and continued running, pushing him back towards the stairs. Liu managed to stop just a few inches away from the steps before ramming his shoulder into ours making Talutah let go. Liu didn't waste any more time and swung the knife at us. Talutah hissed a little telling me that he cut her, but then she started laughing before throwing several punches at him. He didn't scream or yell in pain as he fell down the steps. Talutah burst out laughing as she ran down the steps after him.

"I haven't had this much fun since I killed her mother." She said through her psychotic laughter as Liu got back up on his feet. She threw several punches at his face making him stumble back. Liu started laughing as well. 

"Neither have I.  I have no idea who the hell you are, but you impress me." Liu said. We examined Liu's eyes, but they weren't his eyes. I realized that the boy Talutah was fighting wasn't Liu. I struggled to believe that Liu was like me. The boy suddenly grabbed his hair and yelled in slight pain. Eventually he looked back up at us. His eyes were green again telling me that it was Liu. Talutah let me take control of my body. I hissed a little from the cut on my arm.

"Y/n, I'm so sorry. I didn't want him to hurt you." Liu said on the verge of tears. He seemed to mentally argue whether he should check the cut on my arm or keep his distance.

"It's just a cut. It's not that bad Liu.       It's ok." I replied before he shook his head. In his mind it wasn't.

"Who was that? The boy that took control of your body?" I asked. Liu was quiet. He looked at the floor obviously unsure if he should answer my question.

"It's ok Liu.    I have one too." I added to try and reassure him. He believes me but doubts me at the same time. Liu sighed and looked at me as he regained his will to answer.

"His name is Sully. I met him after that night. The doctors think that he is just a personality developed from trauma, but they are not in my head.     Sully is." He replied.        

"They don't believe you because it's only their voice in their head." I commented. Liu nodded his head. I guess this is the first time in years that someone understands what he is dealing with, but I suspect that he fights it. Fighting Sully will only piss him off more.

"Who is yours?" Liu asked.

"Talutah is my best friend and guardian. I created her when I was a child. It wasn't too long ago when I let her into my mind. She killed my mother for me. Years of abuse and now I'm free with her by my side forever." I replied as we made our way down each flight of steps out of the building.

"I will always be here Y/n." Talutah said making me smile a little.

"I wish Sully was like that." Liu said before holding his head in pain. I guess Sully gets ticked off easily. Him and Liu are more enemies than what I thought. Having an enemy in your mind must be hell.

"Does he take over often?" I asked before Liu shook his head.

"Rarely. If I could, I would never let him out, but there's times where he breaks free. I'd get rid of him if there was a way." Liu said. His reply definitely confirms a lot of my assumptions. 

"I think he's bored stiff. That's why someone reading an article pisses him off so much. He is tired of being so confined that he gets easily irritated." I said. It's really the only thing that makes sense. That and the two of them not getting along. 

"You sound like you are supposed to be his mom or something." Liu commented making me chuckle.

"Talutah was confined in my room for so long.           Being unable to come out and defend me from my mom made her irritated. First thing she did when I let her in was kill her." I explained. The difference is how Talutah and I met compared to Liu and Sully. They might have started off on the wrong foot, but it's not too late to fix their rhythm.

"You and Sully need a restart. Maybe Talutah and I can help." I finished. This might be the craziest thing I've ever tried. I don't know how it will end, but it is definitely worth a try.           It's not every day when I meet someone who's like me.

Them and Us (Homicidal Liu x reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora