Ch.2 Two Years Later

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- Your pov

"Let me take over y/n. All they want to do is hurt you." Talutah begged. I rolled my eyes.

"You remember what happened last time I let you, right?" Talutah was quiet for a second.

"If they try anything, I'll let you. But ONLY if they try anything. I don't want you to get hurt and-" I was about to finish but then I hear a knock on my door.

"Is Talutah here?" A voice asked nervously.

"No. It's y/n." I replied before the doctor came in followed by several guards. He studied my eyes to make sure that it wasn't Talutah in front of him.

"Has your friend been behaving herself lately?" The doctor said before I smiled.

"A little. She still is aggressive, but not as much. I've been able to control her a little better." I replied confidently. The doctor smiled a little as he scribbled my words on the paper.

"That's very good y/n." He said as he finished writing.

"Will I be able to leave or at least go outside soon?" My hopes of having at least a little more freedom faded when I saw his expression.

"Y/n, we can't let you go anywhere until Talutah is gone." The doctor replied as he finished taking notes. The guards moved a little as if they were expecting Talutah to attack. Everyone is afraid of her. Even them. They can't muster enough courage to sedate her when she keeps everyone awake with her constant laughter echoing throughout the whole night. 

"Can I go outside today? Just for some fresh air?" I begged. The doctor was quiet as he thought about my request.

"Ten minutes. No more. If Talutah takes control         you know what happened last time." He replied. 

"Y/n, he's threatening us." Talutah said. I could feel the anger coming off of her words. One of the guards cautiously removed the cuffs before he called a different doctor and told him to accompany me while I'm outside. The new doctor lead me outside across the yard. He was really quiet and on edge. I felt awkward, but also nervous

"Y/n, something is off with this guy."  Talutah's voice made me jump from the random break in silence. The doctor noticed my random jolt.

"Are you ok y/n?" He asked as we walked past the tree line.

"Oh. Uh- I'm just a little cold. I forgot how cool it gets during autumn evenings." I said as we walked around a corner. It was a little cold out anyway. The doctor's odd behavior was starting to become more noticeable.

"Need something to warm you up?" He asked darkly. Red flags were all over this guys face.

"I-I think I'll ju-just go back inside." I started to slowly walk away from him towards the busy courtyard.

He must have realised that I knew what he was thinking because he then grabbed my waist and dragged me around a corner while muffling my voice.

"If you scream, I'll kill you." He whispered as he pressed a blade against my neck.

"Talutah    Talutah what do I do?" I asked clearly scared.

"Don't worry y/n. I'll take it from here." She replied eagerly before she took control. The doctor paused when he saw Talutah's white eyes. She didn't wait for the doctor to make anymore advances. She grabbed the blade and stabbed the doctor's neck. His blood sprayed over us as he choked to death.

"We should probably hold onto this." She said as we pushed the dead body off of us and put the scalpel in our pocket. Before I had time to think, we started running.

"Where are we going?" I asked as she gained speed.

"We can't stay here. If they see what I did, we'll be screwed." She said as we ran across the courtyard.

"How do we get out? Where will we go?" I was overwhelmed from the thought of what procedures and punishments would await us if we get caught.

"Don't think about it y/n. We'll get out of here, together." She assured me before the bells went off. Guards were coming out to gather the patients.

"Shit." Talutah mumbled before she ran faster. We could hear the guards yelling at us to stop. They knew what she did. We were in for it if they catch us. We were approaching the fence. Many have tried to climb it, but the barbed wire always stopped them. But they weren't desperate enough to escape.    We are.      Talutah started laughing as we got closer to the top. The guards were shaking the fence to try and make us fall. Talutah continued to laugh as if it was a game. The doctors were yelling at me to stop her. They should know by now that I want out just as much as her. We finally reached the top. The wire was cutting into our skin, but we didn't stop. We then saw several guards step outside with the dogs. Talutah growled in irritation.

"Talutah, what do we do now?" I was scared and she knew it. We frantically looked around for a plan B. If we set foot on the ground we will get caught. There was only one option, the treeline. We jumped and managed to latch onto the nearest branch. We were out, but not safe.

"It'll be dark soon. It's our only chance." Talutah replied before laughing again. She had a plan.

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