Ch.4 Suspicions

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-??? pov

I have no idea why I'm doing this. Taking my victim by the hand and leading her into the woods trying to escape whoever is hunting her down. I was so close to ending her in that park. There's more to what I saw. I know there is. Sully can feel it too. Her e/c eyes turned white. Her scared face was replaced with an insane expression. People don't do that. Normal people anyway.

"Where are we going?" She asked while the dogs started falling behind. Hopefully we don't have to run for much longer.

"I know of a shack ahead. It's not much for shelter, but it's better than nothing." I replied before hearing Sully in my head.

"Remind me why we are bringing her along. We are on a journey. She's simply running away." He said as the voices faded away. The dogs must have grown tired and the people have given up. They will try again tomorrow for sure.

"I shouldn't be here with you. They will keep looking for me." The girl stated basically saying the same thing as Sully. My curiosity was driving me crazy.

"Why are they sending dogs after you? Where were you running from?" I asked before we slowed down to a walk. She seemed really hesitant to respond. I could tell that she wanted to change the subject.

"You wouldn't believe me even if I was brutally honest." She said quietly. I've seen a lot of shit in my life. How bad can the truth be?

"Try me." I stated once we stopped. She bit her lip obviously arguing with herself about telling me. 

"I escaped the mental facility on top of the hill. I've been in that hellhole for two years. Grew more than tired of languishing in there. Got over the fence with some help." She replied slowly. She's hiding something. Sully and I know it. 

"That's it? You're not brutally honest. Not even close to it. What happened? Your eyes were tripping in that park." I said before she shrugged her shoulders and looked away from me. 

"So were yours." She said blankly. I felt a little tense. She's really suspicious. 

"She knows Liu. Gut her while we have the chance." Sully said while we started walking again. 

"You wouldn't believe me." I whispered before looking at her. She smirked slightly but didn't look at us. 

"Try me." She replied before we reached the shack. Her reply was pretty smartass, but kind of funny.

"Who are you?" I asked once we walked through the door. She wandered around what we assumed was the living room. She's cautious. I don't blame her. We almost killed her in the park. We don't know each other. Trust doesn't really exist between us right now.

"Y/n.   You?" She said while sitting down on an old couch. Her eyes watched every move. She definitely wants me to leave her alone for the rest of the night.

"Liu." I stated before wandering around the rooms trying to find a bed to sleep on. 

"There's something up with her Liu.  I see two doors. One, we kill her-" He said before I interrupted. 

"Two, we don't let her out of our sight. No matter what.      We are going with door two Sully. End of story." I replied before laying down. We will have to wake up early along with Y/n. They will be after her for a while. At least until we get to the mansion. I don't know what Slenderman will think of her, but she does have potential.

-Your pov

"I know there's something strange about that boy. I just don't know what for sure." I whispered before laying down on the couch. I couldn't take my eyes off of the bedroom door Liu was in.

"We'll worry about that later. Rest for now.   We will look further into it tomorrow morning." Talutah replied while I shut my eyes. It was a long struggle to fall asleep. I had so many theories about Liu. His eye color changing could have been related to light, but that doesn't give me any answers. He tried to kill us one moment, and then he leads us into the woods the next.   Why is he on the run? Where is he going?          Why is he taking us with him?

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