Ch.3 On the Run

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- Your pov

Talutah started laughing again as we ran through the woods. Freedom was close, yet far away. We could hear the dogs in the distance.

"Talutah, we have to stay silent. The dogs will find us if we are too loud." I whispered to her before realizing that I'm nothing more than a voice in our head. They can't hear me. Suddenly we stopped. We knelt down and Talutah started untying our shoes.

"If our luck holds, the dogs will find the shoes and socks first." She replied before quickly removing our socks and shoes. We got up and continued running. The land felt like it was getting steeper. The trees were approaching us faster now. We looked back to see if the dogs fell for it. We ran into something before we even had the chance to look and see where we were going. That something turned out to be someone. We rolled down the steep hill with the figure. They were holding onto us rather tight. I was worried that it might be one of the guards. We continued rolling before reaching the bottom of the hill and hitting a tree. The figure grunted in pain has they let go. Talutah immediately got up and we started running again. I was relieved that the person wasn't a guard. It sounded like a boy possibly a little older than me. I hoped that the dogs and guards don't find him. When the dogs latch on, they don't let go. Talutah kept running until the sound of the dogs and gaurds faded into silence. I couldn't believe it. We are free.

"We're out Y/n. After two years of torture, we are finally out." She said as we reached a road.

"It seems almost too good to be true." I whispered as Talutah looked down each direction of the road before walking towards our hometown.

"Where are we going?" Talutah was quiet for a moment after she heard me.

"I have this feeling that we need to go back to the city." She said as if she was in a trance.

"But word will spread! If someone sees us there-" I said before Talutah interrupted.

"Then they better run before I make them shut up. Besides, we're not going to stay there too long. Dark is our only friend there, not daylight." She said as we reached the welcome sign of the town hoping that the shadows will give us the cover we need while we enter dangerous territory. We looked around making sure that there were no cops nearby. There was only one person there. I'm pretty sure he was high or drunk. Maybe both.

"He doesn't know what's real and what's not. Chances are, he won't remember anything about this night." Talutah said as we passed him. The man stared into Talutah's white eyes before cat-calling us. Her grip on the scalpel tightened as the man got up to try and follow us.

"Ignore him. He's not worth the blood. We need to try and limit what we do here so that they can't track us as easily." I said before the man lost his balance and fell over. He tried to get back up a few more times before he crawled back to a bench. Talutah sighed before running across the street.

"Talutah, we can't stay here. You killed a doctor and we escaped the asylum. They'll be looking for us." I said as Talutah continued to run down the sidewalk towards an alley.

"If we are wearing these clothes, ya we'll get caught. New clothes should help us stay ahead of them a while longer. Do you remember that thrift store? The back door that never works?" She asked while running down the alley straight to the thrift store. We went to the back door and opened it. I'm glad that they haven't fixed it. Talutah stopped before letting me take control.

"Go ahead and try some clothes. When you find something, we'll throw these clothes in the dumpster." She said while I looked at the clothes. I don't want anything fancy, but I shouldn't get loungewear either. I'm going to be on the run for a long time. I need something durable that will last. I looked at the clothes my size and found a f/c shirt and a pair of jeans. I grabbed a jacket and gloves in case it gets cool out. Shoes and socks were things I really needed since the socks and shoes we had were used as bait. It took a while, but I found a good pair. I quickly put my new clothes on and picked up the hospital clothes.

"Are we good?" Talutah asked as I looked at the mirror and readjusted my hair. I walked over to a cash register and grabbed several five dollar bills.

"Lets get out of here." I said before grabbing a backpack and leaving the store. I tossed the hospital clothes into the dumpster before we started walking towards the park.

"That apple tree in the park." Talutah said before I nodded my head. It's not much, but we'll take whatever food we can get. There wasn't much light, but it was enough. I could see the tree in the middle of the park. I grabbed what I could reach before going to a vending machine. One of the five dollar bills got me three bottles of water.

"Talutah, I don't know where to go." I said before sitting on a bench. She was quiet before sighing.

"Honestly, I don't know where to go either. We just can't stay here for much longer." She replied before we walked over to a map of the county. They would expect us to take refuge in a nearby town. We'll have to go farther out.

"What about-" I said mentally before I felt someone grab our hair and pull us back. The attacker pushed us down before taking a knife out. He yelled a little as he tried to stab us. I grabbed his wrist to keep the knife from piercing our chest. He grunted a little while trying to get the blade closer to our heart. We recognized it. He's the figure that we ran into while escaping the facility. Talutah immediately took over and started laughing while trying to push the blade away from us. The boy's face changed when he saw my e/c eyes turn into Talutah's white ones. Talutah saw the opportunity and kicked him off of us before getting back up. She stopped laughing when we heard the mental facility's cars along with dogs in the distance.

"Time to go." Talutah whispered before we started running.

"Hey!" The boy shouted while running after us. Talutah took out the scalpel, but she didn't stop. The boy continued to shout at us.

"Talutah, let me talk to him." I said. Talutah slowed down and stopped at the border of a forest.

"Be careful Y/n. We don't have much time." She said before letting me take control. The boy eventually reached us. His eyes were a lighter color than before.

"Where are you going?" He asked. I could hear the cars and dogs getting closer.

"No idea. Anywhere but here. I'm screwed if they find me." I replied. The boy was quiet for a moment.

"You're on the run too?" He asked. We were confused.

"Too? What did he do?" Talutah asked before we heard the cars enter the park's parking lot. I felt the boy grab my hand.

"Come on." He said before we started running into the woods. I couldn't help but wonder what I've gotten myself into.

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