Ch.1 Enough

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-Your pov

"Talutah loves me. Why can't you?" I say hoping that my mother would calm down.

"Talutah is an imaginary friend that you made up when you were three. You're fucking seventeen. Grow up." She replied. Obviously I wasn't getting anywhere with her so I decided to just go to my room. Just because she can't see Talutah doesn't mean she's fake. I talk to her a lot. She is like a twin sister to me. We look so much alike. She is there for me when my mom is not. But then again, she never was.

I stayed in my room for the rest of the day. I could tell that my mom was getting drunk. I couldn't risk going downstairs to get any food. Thankfully, I had a small stash under my bed for such occasions. Nothing fancy. Just some bread, peanut butter, and a bag of f/s. The same stuff Talutah liked. I made a sandwich for myself and her. We were quiet for a while. She was acting a little different.

"Kill her." She said. I stopped between bites. I knew that she was a little crazy, but she never suggested killing people before.

"You've dealt with her cruelty for fifteen years. She beats you, gives you death threats, starves you. Haven't you had enough of it already?" She asks.

"Ya,           but Talutah, I could get in trouble. I could get arrested, put in an asylum. What if I lose you?" I said clearly worried. I felt her place her hands on my shoulders.

"You won't lose me. I promise. I'll protect you." She replied. She smiled at me in a strange way. She seemed to be on the edge of insanity. It scared me a little, but I didn't mind too much.

"I'm the only one who can see you, feel you, hear you. How can you protect me?" I said as she removed her hands. Her smile faded.

"I need to become a part of you. I can't protect you in this form. Y/n, you must share your body with me. Let me possess you from time to time." She was serious now. I was unsure about her idea. I made her when I was little, but I had no idea she could possess me. But then again, it would mean that we could still be together. She won't be trapped in my room anymore. She will be with me wherever I go. I've wanted that for years. Now is my chance.

"Ok." I answered. Talutah smiled a little from my reply. I was shaking a little.

"Don't be afraid y/n. I'll always be here for you." She said. Her eyes started to glow as her body started to fade. I could feel her in the back of my mind. Her body disappeared entirely, but I could still hear her voice in my head.

"We must kill your mother. We must kill her before she hurts you again. Can you do it y/n?" Talutah asked. I was quiet. My personality and interests were different than hers. Almost completely opposite. I wanted her that way. I was shy and well behaved. She was mischievous and, in a way, hyper. I enjoyed music and literature while she preferred pranks and being athletic. Because of my personality, I am incapable of hurting anyone.

"I'll do it for you y/n. I'll protect you from anyone dangerous and cruel to you. Starting with your mom." Talutah replied. The next thing I knew, Talutah took control. It felt like I was hypnotized. I couldn't feel anything. I could only see and hear. I was now the thoughts in the back of my mind. Talutah walked out of the room and went down the steps into the kitchen. She grabbed a knife and walked towards the entrance of the living room while hiding the knife behind our back. We saw my mother turn her head and look at us. She was clearly irritated with our presence.

"Why aren't you in your room?" Her anger was evident in her voice. She threw an empty can at us hitting our face. Talutah simply laughed with absolute insanity.

"Do you really think that will hurt us?" Talutah said. I was shocked when I heard my voice. It was different. I could hear not only my voice, but Talutah's as well. It was almost     demonic.

"You better get back in there before I give you something that will hurt." My mother immediately got up from the couch and stormed towards us. Talutah suddenly ran towards my mother with the knife stabbing her in the shoulder. My mother screamed in shock and pain. Talutah didn't stop there. She pushed my mother onto the floor and continued to stab her while laughing maniacally. My mother's screams were bloodcurdling. I wanted it to stop, Talutah felt differently. She didn't stop stabbing my mother until she stopped moving and was a bloody mess on the wood floor. Even though I couldn't see it, I could tell that Talutah was smiling. That is, until we heard the police outside the front door. The neighbors must have heard us. I grew more terrified when they started banging on the door.

"Talutah, what do we do?" I said in my mind clearly scared.

"We need to get out of here. I'm faster. Let me stay in control a little longer." Talutah replied before the police broke down the door. We ran out the back door while the police chased after us. Thank goodness I made Talutah a fast runner or this would be really difficult. We were certain that we'll lose them. We looked back to see them getting closer. We realized they were coming from multiple directions. Our only chance was the forest. We were so close, but suddenly a cop tackled us onto the ground. Talutah made a bloodcurdling scream in fear and anger as she tried to fight back. It wasn't much use. The cop held us down while holding our arm behind our back. Talutah was now screaming in pain as she tried to get us free.

"Stop! You're hurting her!" I screamed. The cop stopped. He heard me. Talutah saw her chance and managed to slip out of the cop's loosened grip. She started running again and brought us closer to the forest border. We were so close, but it was so dark outside of town. We couldn't see very well. Talutah tripped over a stick and we fell hard onto the ground. She slowly stood back up from the burning pain before she felt someone's arms wrap around us. She thrashed from side to side as the cops caught up to us. I couldn't tell what they were saying at first. Our vision started to darken. I was scared when we started to black out. I suddenly regained control of my body. I felt so tired and scared.

"Don't be afraid y/n, I'm not going anywhere." Talutah said in my mind. I could hear her insane laughter slowly fade until everything grew silent.

Them and Us (Homicidal Liu x reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang