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Fighting back isn't throwing punches, or screaming curses. Fighting back does not consist of violence or rage. Fighting back can take the form of knowing when to stop, knowing when to give up and knowing how to choose you.

There is no shame in giving up, just like there is no shame in continuing. When you give up, you are not backing down from a fight, you are changing the motivation of the fight, you are changing the objective. You are choosing your sanity and your wellness. Giving up when you can't take any more is as courageous as fighting on until the very last breath.

You are the standard of your fight, of your resistance and of your life. You know what your limits are and you know when you are exerting yourself or can get back up one last time. Only you know if today you want to lay on the ground and leave getting back up until tomorrow or if you want to crawl for a while until your legs can work once again.

So, today I encourage you to fight. But do it your way. Fight your fight and reach your goal. I'm rooting for you.

But, more importantly, root for yourself. Do that and you can make it anywhere.

-Dana Ramirez

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