Chapter 2

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I rushed home clothes torn and all. I didn't know how my dad would react to what I am about to tell him. After all pastor Thomas is his mentor, his confidant and his friend.

Apparently not a great one. When I arrive at 1805 West Riggs Avenue, the only thought that I kept trying to mold over was, "why would he try to take advantage of me? I am not gullible, not easy, and definitely not attracted to his ass!"

Nonetheless this pervert was about to get a piece of my mind and a piece of my dads foot in his ass!

"Dad, dad!" I scream as I enter the front door frantically.

"Yes Michelle is there something you want to tell me?" He replies. "Michelle I just got off the phone with reverend Thomas....he said you had come on to him! Said you lashed out at him sexually and he tried to stop you."

"What, dad, now you know that's a lie! I rushed in to tell you he tried to rape me! He tried to have sex with me! Dad look at me!"

His eyes show disbelief, but disbelief in the whole situation, not which story sounded believable. I was confused. Somewhat I figured more was going on to this than I could put my finger on.

"Fine deacon Richardson believe what you want. This is freaking ridiculous." I didn't show my dad any respect because he didn't show me that he trusted me.

"Mom can I talk to you?!"

"What's going on honey I heard you guys raising your voices. The last time you two argued was when he didn't want you wearing those twists in your hair." She replies.

My mother Phyllis Richardson. We never saw eye to eye, I am the typical daddy's girl. I get away with everything with him. It's not as if we don't get along, but mom could sniff out the crap that didn't smell too pleasant where as dad would give me the benefit of the doubt.

"Pastor Thomas tried to fuck me!" I never curse but due to my father's lack of didn't see urgency I figured the gravity of my vocabulary would help ease her into my emotional way of thinking.

"He did what? Oh hell no! What did your father say?"

"Oh you mean his favorite deacon? He doesn't believe me!"

"David get your ass in here! Now you let this girl get away with murder but the minute she tells you something that is worth listening to you ignore it like it never happened?"

"Reverend Thomas called me before she even got here and told me that your daughter tried to seduce him!" David responds.

"David look at her! Her fucking shirt is ripped, she is crying. Look, look at her! That's your baby girl. The same one who pampers you changed. The same one who used to sit on Ya lap." She retorts.

I stood there quietly as  my father her endured mom's wrath.

"If you aren't about to do something about it then I will!"

"And just what the fuck are you going to do Phyllis?" .

"Imma call my brother GG!"

David sucks his teeth....

"Now what you gonna call that nigga for!"

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