Chapter 3

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My father is terrified of my uncle GG which he has reasons for. Before he rededicated his life to God, my dad was an abusive drunk. I often observed him slapping my mom around from time to time for the simple fact that he could do it.

GG had been back and forth in jail and only out for short periods, but on this particular day, he had just got out and was hoping to surprise his sister Phyllis.

The surprise was on him when he knocked at the door.

Boom boom.

"Hey sis! Philly?!"

Phyllis opened the door bruised and bloodied.

"The fuck happened to you?"

My dad, David, approached from behind, beer in hand acting tough.

"Who the fuck at the door interrupting my feel good?"

GG watched as David's smile fades and crumbles to the earth. "You putting your hands on my sister?" GG asks.

"Bruh in law what's shakin, when you get out?"

GG was a big guy. He was big not in the towering feel but big, and buff with veins protruding from his muscles and temple of his forehead. He had a bald head and never let his stubble grow out no more that a shadow. He also was a complete savage.......nothing but rage dwells in his heart.

GG responds, but non verbally. David is too drunk to incorporate his vision into the conversation. GG cocks back and throws a massive jaw shattering punch that knocks my dad back into the 70's.

I was young, much younger than I am now. I can't recall what age I was maybe 7, maybe 10, but I remember sitting on these wooden stairway that lead to the second floor. They creak with every step and if you didn't wear slippers, you are bound to catch a few splinters.

Every detail about that memory was old. For starters, my father isn't the same drunk man he evolved from. My mom isn't that same pushover as she grew out of. My uncle, well he's pretty much the same. He never evolved with the times.

The house was old, it still is but it's changed dramatically over the years. Every detail down to the hairstyles on each of our heads has changed. I couldn't imagine wearing burettes in my hair now of course because I am a twenty something year old.

With the chemistry, or lack thereof between David and GG, it's no wonder my dad is a bit nervous when mom adds him into the equation. That beat down knocked some real sense and sobriety into my dad.

It's interesting to note that my father became closer to my mom and I after that incident. I assume he didn't like the reality that it could be some drunk man knocking me upside my head one day.

"Hey uncle GG!" I greet him and jump into his comforting arms.

"Whassup Chelly-chell?!" He returned the greet with a less than mature nick name, but I loved it.

"So where's David at?"

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