Chapter 4

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"What's up David?" GG greets as he shakes my dads hand.

"Hey how you doing man. It's been a minute."

"Yea you act like you too good to come visit deacon. Any ways, where's Philly?"

"Moms upstairs, she's going to cook breakfast in a little bit. You staying to eat uncle Greg?"

I glare directly into my dad's beaming eyes. If he could kick me he would, but that would be unwise.

"Of course I'm staying you know that's the only sister that can throw down." GG snickers.

Phyllis descends the steps ready to cook breakfast. "Good morning GG. I'm getting ready to cook breakfast."

Phyllis gets the bacon and sausages going while I jump in and start to toast some bread for the 4 of us. She starts cracking the eggs and mixing them with cheese and pepper.

My mouth instantly waters. Phyllis is indeed the best cooker I know, and my favorite meal was breakfast. Many times dad and I encouraged my mom to open a restaurant but she merely replies, "don't I cook enough for yall as is?!" The mere aroma of the kitchen smells heavenly. One day I will have a family to cook for, if I can get past all of the perverts and guys who just want sex.

Once the toast was done I butter them up, while mom sits the sausages and bacon on a paper towel to dilute the grease. The eggs are fluffy and yellow. Not too runny, and not too stiff.

"Ok yall dig in." Phyllis instructs.

"Hold on, hold on, we have to say grace. Don't act brand new. GG you want to say it?"

"Nah bruh that's all you."


"Huh fine!" I sigh. I'm still not talking to my deacon-dad, but I'm still attentive and respectful.

"Everyone bow their heads. Dear lord we thank you for this food you have given us, we thank you for the hands that prepared it, let it be used for the nourishment for our bodies. We ask it all in Jesus name, amen.

We all demolish the food. GG and my dad ask for seconds. Only Phyllis ate like she had some sense.

"So David, Philly, what are we doing about the damn pervert? Yall didnt call............."

"Not a thing." David interrupts. "If it did happen the way Michelle says it did, then God himself will punish him."

" How do you know GG isn't the punishment God's sending? The problem is you over value that man. You need to step from out of his shadow and man up." Phyllis redirects.

Phyllis is not the same woman from back then, who was quiet and patient, sitting on the sideline making excuses not to get in the game. Phyllis is an activist when it came down to what mattered, and she was not allowing this situation to be brushed under the rug. She prodded the bear and never feared its bite or claws. The bear in this case is David.

"Well Imma tell you what Imma do. Imma go to the church on a day off and bust his ass. Nobody going put their hands on my niece and get a free pass."

I wanted to smile, but this was a serious moment. We were plotting to beat up the pastor Thomas or maybe worst. 

"We have to get him on a day he's going to be there by himself. Most likely a Tuesday. Phyllis you call him and tell him you need to meet him at the church late at like 7 when he gets there I'll be the one that he meets. Then you call his phone at 7:20 saying something came up you can't meet him so it doesn't look suspicious on your part."

Damn, GG was hip to this kind of work.

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