After class, Lacey and I met up in our usual spot waiting for Ace and Rylie so we could grab lunch then walk to the locker room together. When we finally got to the locker room, we put on our practice jerseys and waited for the cheerleaders to finish their practice inside the gym. When it was our turn, we crossed paths with the cheerleaders coming into the locker room. My teammates and I were talking and laughing as we walked pass them through a narrow walkway when I bumped into someone again. I looked down apologizing once again to someone.

"I'm sorry—," until I saw who it was. "Harlow? I didn't know you're a cheerleader."

"But, luckily for you, I knew you're a basketball player."

"I'm sorry what? Why didn't you tell me?"

"You've done a lot of apologizing lately, I see." Her confidence had shown and I was drawn to it. When I first met her, she seemed shy and awkward.

I was quick to laugh rubbing the back of my neck, "You can say that, but then lucky for me, I get to talk to you again."

"Too bad we can't talk more because you'll be late for practice."

"Fuck! I got to go. I'll see you around Harlow." I ran as quickly as I could to the gym, but before I exited I looked over my shoulder once again to see Harlow staring at me and I gave her a smile and then walked out. Thank goodness the coach hasn't arrived yet.

"Where did you go?" Ace asked. "You were behind us one second and the next you were gone."

"I was talking to one of the cheerleaders in the locker room."

"Oh, so that's where you've gone to. Why am I not surprised."

"Shut up, Ace. It wasn't like that. I bumped into her earlier at Sierra Hall. Like literally bumped into her and knocked her to the ground. I was just surprised that she was a cheerleader."

"She cute?" Kylie asked.

I wanted to say yes. I wanted to say she's fucking gorgeous and she had me a little bit flustered when I saw her or spoke to her, but all I could say was "She's okay." Honestly, she was better than okay, but I couldn't say that because I wouldn't hear the end of it during practice. I don't even know if she swung my way.

As practice began, the cheerleaders and Harlow started to walk out of the locker room and into the gym. They sat on the bleachers for what seemed like a team meeting. I couldn't help myself from being distracted in that direction as I saw Harlow gaze my way. I smiled at her getting lost in her eyes and to my surprise she smiled back.

"What the fuck Zeal. Pay attention."

"Sorry coach." I took a quick glance at Harlow before I started running our warmups.


I've had a crush on Zeal since I first laid eyes on her freshmen year. She had long black hair and the most beautiful light blue eyes I've ever seen. She was a sculpted goddess. You can tell that she worked out a lot. I wanted to run my finger along her defined abs, lick and taste every inch of her. She always looked so confident and always smiling. But, she never looked my way. Never in my direction. She had that bad girl vibe, but it wasn't her at all. People I've come across say she's really nice and welcoming. I've seen her with plenty of women around campus; always wishing that maybe one day it would be me sitting on her lap or wrapped around her arms; the one she's kissing and flirting with.

I've been cheering for our University since freshmen year for most of the sports team, especially hers. I've yelled out her name when she made a basket or stole the ball from an opponent, but still she never looked my way.

Then all that changed when she ran into me today. She saw me for the first time. She spoke to me for the first time. She saw through my awkwardness, my shyness. I felt giddy inside and at first I didn't know how to react. I was at a lost for words.

"Who are you looking at, Harlow?" Stacey asked.

"Oh, sorry... what?!"

"Who's caught your attention? Let me guess, Zeal Alon."

"Wait! How'd you know?"

"She keeps looking this way."

"It's nothing really," I responded. "We bumped into each other earlier and then in the locker room."

"So she finally noticed you?"

"Huh?! What do you mean?" I tried to look away pretending I didn't know what she was talking about.

"Oh come on, Harlow. I know you've been crushing on her since freshman year. Don't get me wrong. She's really nice and confident, but she'll break your heart. She doesn't do relationships. She sleeps around. She's slept with at least 2 of the cheerleaders. Don't be the 3rd!"

"I know, but I'm attracted to her. Something about her draws me in. She's got that sassy edge to her. And her body; those abs. She's mesmerizing. I can't help it."

"Just be careful. Okay?"

"Yeah I will."


I looked over a few times catching Harlow and her friend whispering amongst each other and staring in my direction and giggling. I was curious to know what they were saying, so as soon as the coach called a 5-minute break I ran in her direction. I don't know what caused me to run to her, but I did. It's like I couldn't control my legs.

"Hey Harlow."

"Zeal. What can I do for you?"

"Yeah Zeal, what can she do for you?" Her friend pointed out with a mischievous smile.

"Oh, uhmm— nothing really? Just came to say hi."

Harlow smiled with the cutest blush on her face, but she remained composed. "Can't get enough of me, I take it?"

"Just wanted to ask if you're going to the mixer tonight?" I quickly said just to start a conversation.

"Only if you'll be there," she flirted.

"Then I'll be there," I grinned.

"Zeal, get yo' ass back here," Lacey yelled. "Leave the cheerleaders alone."

"Yeah I'm coming!!" I barked back then quickly turned to Harlow. "I'll see you tonight. I promise I won't bump into you again, unless of course you want me to," I winked at her then ran off.

"I think someone's crush has finally crushed back!" Stacey teasing Harlow.

Harlow rolled her eyes, "Shut up, Stacey!"

"Don't deny it. She could have gone and gotten water on her break, but instead spent almost all her time admiring and starting small talk with you."

Maybe Stacey was right. Maybe Zeal was actually interested. I'm setting myself up for heartbreak, but I want her.

Meant To Be (gxg) (lesbian)Where stories live. Discover now