Birthdays and cuddles | | K. Kozume

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Warning: Bringing this back from an old book.
Caution! It's over 4000 words.

And I'm wayyy too lazy to edit
4000 words, I just need someone
who's a major character in the
show and not somronr with 5
minutes of screentime 🙃

There are probably many errors, this was written a while ago before
I found a way to write comfortably.

Tell me if you think I've changed for the better or worse.


You arrive at Kuroo's house with his birthday present in your hands, waiting for someone to open the door after your previous knock. It's November and the coldness soothes against your red-rosed cheeks.

You have known Kuroo only for a little while; you transferred to Nekoma after your dad got a job in Tokyo. When you started, Kuroo was the first person who talked to you. You got involved with the volleyball world quickly and you've now known him for a couple of months; you're currently in your 2nd year. The two of you became rather close in just a couple of weeks but you never felt like he was in any way something like that to you. Altough you have watched his games and been cheering on him as a dear friend, you never actually got in contact with his team members. You knew all their names, but you were too shy to strike up a conversation with them: hence you thought that this day would be a great chance to get to know them.

The door opens as a tall figure looms in front of you and you immediately recognise his rooster formed hair.

"Kuroo-san!!!" you exclaim and give him his present.

"Hi (y/n)-chan! Glad that you could make it! Come on in, the cake is ready." he responds with a happy tone and hugs you.

You follow him inside and take off your jacket. You see through the hall and into his living room. On the sofa the half-russian kid is sitting with who you think is their libero, Yaku. On an armchair besides Yaku sits a boy with black middlepart hair who you believe is Shibayama. You see a table filled with cookies and drinks and on the wall behind them a big poster filled with "CONGRATS ROOSTERHEAD!!!" written in big letters. You glance over the room as you enter. Everyone is wearing casual clothes with their Nekoma jerseys and you feel kind of left out as you are the only one wearing plain black.

"Hey (y/n)!" everyone cheers as you enter the room behind Kuroo.

"Hi" you answer shyly.

You continue to observe the room watching who's there. At first you don't seem to find what you're exactly looking for, until your eyes stop at a boy sitting on a futon in a corner. His pudding-like hair rests alongside his cheeks pointing downwards, towards his phone. He's the setter, right? You stare at him for a while, because somehow his presence makes you freeze in a trance. Dammit look away, he'll see you! You shake your head and sit down on a futon besides Kuroo. On the low table in front of you there are several delicious treats, such as cookies, pies (applepie!!!), sodas, buns and cakes. Kuroo sees you staring intensely at the treats.

"Chug in guys, and oh the cake is very good I made it myself".

You feel an uneasy feeling about eating something Kuroo has made without you seeing the ingredients and therefore you tell yourself that the cake will have to do it another day.

"Kenma come here!" Kuroo shouts over the boys emerging with the food making a mess.

You look the way Kuroo looks and see the setter. The same feeling as before hits you, something wanting you, rather dragging you, to look at him. The puddingboy shakes his head softly while still looking intensely at his phone. Something about him makes you feel like you know him, but you cannot name why.

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