First kiss || S. Kita

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"Y/n!!!" Kita says and comes barging in through your door, still in his maroon tracksuit.

"O-oh, hey Shin..?"

He hurries to the bed where you are laying flat on your stomach while scrolling through social media.

"What's... up?" He asks and you stare at him dumbfounded.

"Uhm, nothing... uh what are you doing here?"

"Oh, hahah... I just. Wanted to see you, that's all."

"Alright then..."

"What are you doing?" He asks and makes his way towards you.

"Nothing much. I'm hungry, are you?" You ask and stand up from the bed, which causes him to flinch.

"I-I-I, yeah..."

"Let's go eat then..."

What's up with him now?

Earlier, at the end of Inarizaki VBC's practice

"Oi 'Tsumu stop hogging yerself over every gal!"

"I can't do whatever I want to!"

"Yer a bastard, stop it!!"


And just like that, the two twins fight angrily without supervision from their captain. A fellow teammate with lazy eyes and brown hair (so called Suna) records the ordeal while Ginjima runs to find a coach. Kita suddenly appears behind Suna and lays his hand on his shoulder, causing Suna to flinch.

"What. Are. You. Doing."

"Oh, uhh hehe..." Suna stammers and stops the video. Kita doesn't even have to say anything else as Suna immediately hurries away from the scene.

Kita sighs and goes up to the two boys sprawled on the floor, fighting vigorously.

"Why would hurting eachother in such impolite manners fix anything?" He bluntly asks and stares at them.

They immediately stop and instead change positions to curled bows, foreheads touching the ground and hands showing their regret by resting defeatedly over their heads.

"Ye both, stop fighting and go to the infirmary. And don't cause such a ruckus again."

"H-hai, Kita-san..." The say and quickly make their way towards the infirmary. They don't even dare to exchange looks in case Kita comes and exposes them.

Kita sighs again and goes up to a trolley of balls. Ojiro soon joins him and quietly hums.

"I don't understand those two, they always want to break out in a fight. As if harming one another will solve anything."

"Yeah..." Aran responds and fiddles with his fingers. "Sometimes when yer really jealous or mad at someone ya just want to punch them though, just to feel the satisfaction of punishment." He continues with and lets out a sigh.

Kita's eyes begin to wide.

"Punishment and jealousy? What where they even fighting about in the very first place?"

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