Breath of the Void: Chapter 26

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It's a day late but uh, stuff happens.


The announcement that Upper Moon Six (newly turned, she assumed) and Upper Moon Three had been killed by Zenitsu, Kocho, Shuten Dōji, Kano, and Inosuke respectfully had been a surprise. Not a bad one, but a surprise nonetheless.

Of course, that meant that there was at least one more Upper Moon left— Upper Moon One. He would be strong, no doubt, but there was little doubt that they would be trying to get in their ways to keep Muzan from harm.

And then, of course, after that one was killed, there was the minor issue of Muzan, himself.

Himejima had taken up the lead in their group, ordering Musashi to fall to the back in order to save her energy from recklessly killing cannon-fodder Demons. Tokito was between them, his hair and sleeves billowing behind him as the three of them ran. So far, they had not seen a hide or hair of the other Slayers, but there had been no Death Announcements from the Crows. Kocho had been severely injured against the Third Moon, but Musashi trusted that Shuten would be able to keep them all safe enough if she stayed with them. If not, then Kano and Inosuke were both very cappable if Kocho were unable to fight.

Those thoughts were dispelled from her mind, as the three of them crossed into another area of the Fortress. Musashi felt her skin prick slightly and suddenly, feeling the hairs on the back of her neck raise just a bit. She could feel Muzan's presence somewhere close to where they were.

"Kibutsuji's nearby!" Himejima called back, sensing him as well. "Don't let your guard down!"

But it was no less than a moment after he said that did the wall shoot out and slam into Tokito right in front of Musashi.

"TOKITO!" she heard Himejima yell from the other side.

"Nevermind me— go!" Tokito yelled back before he was slammed into an open room. The pillar shattered and the doors closed behind it, laving the two other Pillars behind.

Musashi glanced at Himejima and the Stone Pillar seemed to read her thoughts.

"We're going after him," she said simply before she leaped off the side. Himejima didn't respond, following her to the edge as she kicked off the wall and landed on an outcropping over halfway to the other side. She held her hand up, catching the shaft of the axe thrown her way and tugging tight. It was a move that she had done many times with the other Pillar. Her agility and inhuman prowess could carry her across chasms and gorges and often put her on par with Uzui in brute force alone— even higher if she dug her heels in when she became as stubborn as Shinazuagawa could be. She just wasn't one to exercise pure brute force, ever.

Himejima was also strong, he could normally use his own strength and momentum to carry himself across smaller chasms and gorges in the earth. But Musashi, he, Kyojuro, and (prior to his retirement) Uzui had a system that would work should there be one that the Pillars could not cross alone— but Musashi could.

For Kyojuro, he'd just be carried over. Himejima would be pulled the rest of the way. For Uzui it depended on the day.

Musashi shifted her grip on the axe before she nodded and the other Pillar leaped. Musashi turned and took off. Her own momentum would pull him when his ended and then the two would do it all over again.

She felt the chain go slack as Himejima landed, moments before she launched to the other side. She shot her hand out, grasping the edge and swinging herself up and onto the platform. The jump this time was shorter and Himejima easily leaped over and she handed his axe back to him without a word.

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