Rush (Danny imagine)

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"Oh here is Y/N!" Daisy said, introducing you to rest of the people. They all introduced themselves too and your eyes met with Danny

"Hi my name is Danny" He said with a little smile and you awkwardly smiled back. They all started to talk again while you went to your closet to pick your new outfit. After picking just a pair of leggings and a hoodie you left to take a shower


On the way back to your room you checked if you have everything and said hi to few people passing by

Finally your room was empty. You said yes to yourself and went to clean up your desk and closet. You heard someone walking in and thought that it was Daisy

"They all already left?" You asked but man's voice made you to quickly turn around

"Yes, they left but I came back" It was him. He closed the door and sat on your bed

"Um did you leave something here?" You asked and he shook his head saying no

"I came to meet you. It's been almost a week how we look at each other but don't say anything" He said and you chuckled making him smile. You closed your closet and walked to him

"Are you freshman too?" You said and he nodded. You two slowly started to open up to each other and now you knew more and more about him

In room came back Daisy and you both looked at her

"Oh! What's happening here? Don't worry I won't bother I just came to take my cigarettes. Have a nice night love birds, if you want you can join all of us in room 713" She said and left after taking her pack of cigarettes

"Daisy is nice friend, but drinks and smokes too much" Danny said and you both laughed


Days, weeks went by and you two became super close. You spent most of your time with him and already had tons of inside jokes, nobody could understand

It was already weekend which means new party. Daisy helped you to pick an outfit and like always suggested you to wear something low cut. This time you agreed.

You both went to the party and you got a text from Danny asking where are you. You were about to text back but saw him with his friends. You walked behind him and put your hands over his eyes

"Guess who~" You said in high pitched voice making him to chuckle

"Y/N" He said your name in the same voice and turned around. You both hugged and your friends looked at each other

"Love, love, love~" Danny's friend Lucas sang and you just shook your head. You all went to dance and drank some cocktails.

Danny took your hand, swung you around making you to hit his chest. He placed his hands on your hips and you two started to dance together. Your moves made you to get closer and closer making the hot atmosphere between you two. You looked in each other's eyes and the distance between your lips slowly started to get smaller and smaller. Until you placed your lips on his

Your mind was full of thoughts what if you just ruined your friendship, what if he will regret it, what if he doesn't like you back? But they were only somewhere in the back of your head. All you wanted now was for this moment to never end

Danny pressed you closer to him and deepened the kiss, tasting your tongue. You broke the kiss and looked in his eyes, without any word he took your hand and leaded you upstairs. After finding some empty room Danny locked the door and walked back to you

"Listen, we don't need to rush to anywhere, if you want we can just make out and get to know each other's bodies" He said cupping your cheeks. You smiled at how caring and not selfish he is and nodded

That night he made you the happiest girl ever, and you didn't regret any second you spend with him

You two continued to be friends, but even more closer. Your friends were curious and couldn't stop waiting till you two will start to date, but as he said- you didn't rush to anywhere.

You were late to your biology class. When you arrived you saw everyone working in groups. Danny waved to you to sit next to him and you quickly after taking the project paper sat down. In front of you was sitting a girl who liked Danny. You asked Daisy what do you need to do and heard that girl

"Hey, do you want to do this together?" She asked and you glanced at Danny. You tried not to laugh which made him to smile

"I think we all together should do this, after all it's a group project" He said and she awkwardly nodded

After class was done, she shoot her shot once again, asking him to get lunch together

"Oh no sorry, I'm busy today" He said and you saw that she wasn't happy with his answer

After taking your things you left with Danny and Daisy while cleaning her desk turned to that girl

"They like each other, so don't even try to get in their way" Daisy winked and left too

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