Ray of love (Seventeen Joshua short imagine)

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You and Joshua welcomed your first newborn- your little daughter named Ashlyn. She was calm and quiet babygirl. Even doctors were shocked how calm she was. Of course she threw her tantrums cause it's normal but not too much. And her visuals- she was gorgeous thanks to her mommy and daddy. Joshua loved her with all his heart and couldn't stop talking about her. Of course Ashlyn had amazing uncles too. They gave her lots of presents and loved her so much. You and Joshua decided not to reveal her to public yet and it was great decision.


Today you and Joshua woke up from sunshine lighting your whole bedroom. He pulled you tighter in his arms and kissed your forehead. You two were too lazy to get up, but Ashlyn was the best alarm. Joshua got up first and went to check his babygirl. Her big eyes looked in his which made him smile even brighter.

"Hii~ my little sunshine" He said in cute tone lifting her up in his arms. He pressed her little body against his and rocked side to side. He left her bedroom and went to yours. You were up too, doing your morning routine. You smiled seeing Joshua gently laying her on the bed and sitting next to her

"I think we should go out today, it's quite good weather" He said going to search for clothes for her to wear

"Oh year, you're right. But first I'm going to feed her" You said going out of the bathroom. You switched the lights off and lifted her up. Joshua gave you her clothes and went to make breakfast for you two. After you feed and changed her, you went downstairs to eat breakfast. You and Joshua thought what you should do today and where to go. When you were done, Joshua dressed Ashlyn and layed her in the baby stroller

After getting ready you all left your house. While walking around the city and going to park you talked about your life and future. Joshua met few fans but they were humble and didn't bother you (I wish it would be true-). You two thought that it would be nice to have one more child after Ashlyn grows up a bit. Thoughts about getting new and bigger apartment didn't leave your mind too. After walking in park you went in mall to buy few clothes to Ashlyn.

After he will finish his few upcoming concerts, Joshua decided to take an vacation and go to LA, to his parents house since they still haven't seen their granddaughter face to face. Joshua was really happy nowadays and felt like he had the whole world in his hands. Later in the evening when you got home he went to his company to talk with his CEO and manager to tell the news. He didn't ask their opinion and just said that he's going to do it

"Can't you go after all your job will be done, you will have a show after the concerts too" His manager said and Joshua shook his head saying no

"No, my parents haven't seen their granddaughter yet and I want Y/N to relax a bit and change the environment around her. After I finish the concerts I will leave for a few weeks" He said and his CEO agreed. Everyone knew that Joshua is hardworking man, but when it came to talk about his family, it was in first place for him now. After the talk he went home.

He walked in the house and it was silent. He went in your shared bedroom and saw that you were breastfeeding your daughter. Joshua smiled and sat down

"Hi my precious girls~ what did you do when daddy was out?" He said and looked at Ashlyn who gently placed her tiny hand on your breast. Joshua chuckled and looked back at you

"I talked with my boss, after the concerts we could go to LA" He said and your eyes went wide

"Really? They let you to?" You asked and he nodded

"Yeah, I didn't even ask if we could. Because I want you to take some rest and my parents to see Ashlyn" He said and pecked your cheek

"Okay I will take a shower and then join you two" He said and got up. All the time you had smile on your face, knowing that you have everything you wished for- amazing man, warm home and your little daughter who now was laying in your arms.


Joshua came back from the shower and saw that you weren't in the room. You were busy putting Ashlyn to sleep. She was sleepyhead so it wasn't that hard. After few minutes you came back and saw him already in the bed. You got under the covers too and he pulled you in his arms

"Goodnight my love" You heard Joshua and smiled to yourself

"Goodnight" You said and closed your eyes....

Then you heard Ashlyn. You both chuckled and you groaned getting up

"I guess we won't be sleeping tight tonight" You said and walked in her room

"I guess we won't be sleeping tight tonight" You said and walked in her room

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

Note: Damn, baby fever is a real thing🤭

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