House of cards (BTS Jhope angst)

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It's been over a 2 weeks how you and Jhope started to fight non stop. Even though you were on bad terms you showed your kids that you two are perfectly fine and love each other. But whenever your kids weren't in the room or fell asleep you two would argue and yell at each other.

One night you were washing dishes when Jhope came out of shower and without saying anything went straight to his computer. You got tired and turned to him

"Really? You promised kids to read them a bed time story, but you're working again? I don't even know how to answer the kids when they ask where is their dad. Even now, you can go to their bedroom and spend some time with them, but no! You always on that stupid computer" You said and he got up

"Because I'm the only one who works the hardest here! All you ever do is complain how you don't like this or that! Don't tell me what to do!" He shouted and you chuckled

"If you can't be a great husband at least be a great dad!" You shouted back and threw a towel at him before leaving.

For those past weeks Jhope even slept in guests room while you slept in your bedroom. Today is a 3rd day how he leaves the house and sleeps over at BTS dorm


Next day from early morning you called your parents asking if it's okay if you will stay with them for a while with your kids. Of course they agreed and you started to pack the things. At about 1 pm Jhope came back, he was confused after seeing the luggages near front door. He walked in living room and saw you

"What the hell are you doing? Where are you going?" He asked looking around

"We're leaving. We will be away till you will find some time for your family and not for money" You said and he grabbed your arm

"You're not taking our kids anywhere" He said glaring at you. You pushed him away and took your bag

"Oh I will, because nowadays all they feel is their mother's love. Yesterday Hwayoung asked if you left them because you don't even play with them. Can you imagine? Your our own daughter talks like that. Think a little" You said and wanted to take kids from their room but he stopped you again

"Jung Hoseok, let me go" You said and in the living room walking your older daughter holding her brother's hand

"Daddy why are you hurting mommy?" She asked and he quickly let go of you. They both ran to you and looked at him like at some stranger

"Are you ready to see your grandma? She told me that she made your favorite cookies" You said and Hwayoung brightly smiled. You took your son Jihun in your arms and told Hwayoung to go to the car first. Jhope said bye to the kids and kissed them before three of you left.

That night he drank till he passed out. He didn't care that tomorrow he had recording, Hoseok felt like his heart was ripped out of his chest. He watched the videos and pictures of your family from the vacations or just daily basis.

While you talked with your mom about what was happening. Hwayoung walked to you and tapped your thigh

"Mommy, can we call Chanmi and Jiyoo?" She asked and you picked your phone

"First we need to call auntie and ask if they are not sleeping" You said and texted Jimin's wife. You sat your daughter on your lap and continued to talk with your mom

"Where is your brother?" You asked while fixing Hwayoung's hair

"He's playing in the room" She answered and you got a text from Jimin's wife

"Okay let's go to the room" You said and took her hand as you both left

You sat on the bed while your and Jimin's daughters were busy talking about the kindergarten you talked about upcoming Chanmi's birthday

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