Chapter 6

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  As he neared the stone city Regalia, he noticed many new things that stood out. The whole city was lit in a festival mood, there were more willow trees, lakes and reservoirs, farms and more sophisticated types of buildings. Most of them were larger, more grandiose, and now resembled more of a modern city.

 He saw sentries positioned on the walls of Regalia, many of them now noticing the strange person standing on a bat. 

"What's your name?" he asked his flier.

"Erin" was the response.

He then told Erin to dive straight down as fast as she could.

As this happened, Gregor proceeded to jump off, smile, and flip as he fell towards the ground.

He landed right on top of Erin as she glided near the ground and both of them crashed onto a walkway on top of the walls. The two were having a laugh as the sentries ran over to see what was going on.

2 of them with embroidered names Jason and Mikhal ran over to the cause of the commotion. 

Just as this happened, the rest of the group flew down and landed to the left and right of the sentries to explain. 

 "I'm the leader of this group. We're sorry about the disruption sir, we have brought in a newcomer and it seems he took off without us, then crashed down over here." said Jake.

  Nicky looked at the guards and told them that they didn't need to mind Jake. 

 Jake then told them about where they had found Gregor, what they're names were, identification, so on so forth. 

  After a while, the sentries checked with authority that Gregor didn't recognise and then, with a quick nod, they were off to the palace.

 Gregor looked out to the small crowd now gathering around them. He even recognized a few faces from his time down here last time. He saw some of the soldiers he fought with in the war with the Bane.

  He waved to the ones he recognized, and Ben pretended like he was a royal or an Overland celebrity with a fake smile, different posture from his usual slouched over habit, and tucking in and straightening his clothes as we walked through the entrance.

 As Gregor walked through the doors of the palace, he took a deep breath and readied himself for what could be behind them.


*Author Note 

Nicky is a character from one of @CrystalScherer's works, a book called The Virus Within. I really liked the idea of having someone with an enjoyable sense of humor, so I decided to incorporate a character like this to my own story. I enjoyed The Virus Within very much, and recommend it.

I will be using ^1, ^2, and ^3 to signify the different Nicky's there are.

^1 will be : a fairly normal, but overactive Nicky.

^2 will be : grouchy Nicky.

^3 will be : off the charts crazy Nicky.


Nicky POV:

Nicole^1 (NickY^1) :

 Nicky was starting to get impatient at everything - having to go to a meeting with 15 boring people, having to sit there for 2 boring hours, then getting chosen to fly to a boring place to pick up a kid that was probably boring as well. As soon as she and the group dropped the kid off, she would just get out of there and plainly skedaddle.


  It was annoying enough that the "Gregor" kid had flown off all by himself, everyone else took soooo much time just to get on their fliers, and Nicky had to catch up to him all by herself. She really felt like slugging both the Overlander and the "rescue" team, but knew that would get her back into the old man's conference room. 

 So, instead of punching someone, she decided to run around the walls of Regalia. Running always made her a bit less energetic, hence less grouchy and less easily to be annoyed. Hopefully nothing bad would happen for a while, unless the universe really felt like making her get into court for punching someone. 

  She ran for a while to the east side of the capital, a more obscure part of the city. She remembered the charts for crime last week, and this side of the castle was always at the top of the board, not that it would matter to her, but it could mean she would run into pesky looters. Hoping that this wouldn't happen, she just kept running ahead. 

  Soon, she was peering at the sun and looking at some bats flying around while she noticed a duo of bandits trying to sneak through the gate. She hopped down into a tree, then behind a large rock.

Some capital city... There are as many quick crooks around here as the count of "gas pileups" in Ben's sorry buttcheeks. How this place was even still standing was a real question. 

 "Oh well, it's not like someone else is going to take care of these guys, not out here." Nicky softly sighed.

 At least I get to be able to use someone as a punching bag without breaking the law. 

She peered through the bundles of some strange grain, maybe wheat, and didn't quite see the bandits yet.

 Listening their footsteps, she could tell they were a couple feet in front and to the left of her, maybe 7 feet far.

 Timing the seconds in her head, along with the average walk speed of the idiots, they would most likely be at the right area for her to ambush them in about 4 seconds.


She quietly sprinted, side-stepped one, pulling in and elbowing the other in the face, and pushed them both to the ground. 

The first one asked "Why are you bothering to stop us? You don't have anything to do with me, and clearly you aren't a sentry, guard, or part of the military."

She smirked; "Well I don't really care, but I felt like smudging some idiots around, and those idiots just happened to be you two! What exactly and from who were you stealing from anyways?"

 They answered that they were just looking to take back an antique that was stolen from them and no official bothered to look at the case, dismissed it, and said that the person who took the antique had ownership to it.

 Nicky ^3

Well, that was fairly interesting! Now I have even more people to hit!


Gregor POV:

As Gregor entered the building, he turned around and noticed that Nicky wasn't behind him anymore...

What a curious girl...

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