Chapter 3

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Gregor, after finishing school work, was on his way to the dining table when he heard scratches in the walls and was drawn away toward the sound. He was curious. Half squatting down, he went around and inspected the source of it. "It" was a strange crack at the bottom of the wall to the left of his bed, where there was so little space that you could barely even see it. Scratch, scratch. The scratching from earlier, which was not much more than a whisper, started growing in volume until Gregor could hear it very plainly, without having to focus at all. He waited. A moment later, two rats, the Overland version squeaked and rambled out of the crack, somehow. The rats, when not doing anything in particular, were about as twice or 3 times as wide as the crack in the wall, yet they managed to slip through, not even having that much trouble. Gregor wondered if Underland rats could do that too, and then tried imagining Ripred, the slouchiest person/creature he'd ever seen, trying to fit in a space that was wide as Gregor. The thought of it nearly made Gregor tumble off the bed. His mind absently went back to the thought about why the rats were there. They must've had a reason....

Soon, Gregor went to the dining table, still wondering a couple things about the rats. They had a look in their eye that you could see people when they want something. People walking and looking at shops, passing by, and people waiting in line. To be honest, he probably had the same look in his eyes...

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