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Song: Aawake at Night by Half Alive

Another day, another performance. Immediately your mind was  plagued by thoughts of yesterday's events. Who was Rob? Why was he so familiar? And why do you feel so flustered to think about him? You yearned to find more, to learn about who he truly was. As you packed your stuff, making sure to bring extra clothes for your performance, all the while trying to find out who he was. His height, his singular eye, his pink hand, his name and his outfit... They were all so very familiar, like a distant memory that you're trying to grasp as it slowly closes in on you. It's coming back, you can feel it. Just slowly, and oh boy, you can't wait for it to finally return to you. Still, all in all, you continue to doubt that you'll remember.

As you walked along into the school doors, you immediately made a bee-line for F/F/N, who was standing by herself, looking through her belongings in her locker. "Hey," you said simply, waving at her. She slightly flinched, not expecting you to suddenly be there. "Oh, hey Y/N," she said coolly. As the bell rung, you both walked together, parting ways to get to your class. Then, you realised. The seat next to you. It was vacant. Had someone previously sat there? You stared on boredly as Miss Simian rambled nonsense. A glitchy figure hastily made its way past the classroom, as you saw through the window of the door. 

After the class was dismissed, you quickly ducked into the bathroom when the coast was clear, entering a stall, locking the door and removing your clothes and then quickly replacing them with your chosen outfit for the day. You fixed your hair, put on your mask and hastily headed out. Nobody suspected a thing. A sudden influx of students piling out of classrooms happened all at once, seeming to you that they'd been kept in for a short amount of time. Then you remembered, Miss Simian was told to dismiss her students right when the bell went, and the other teachers had to keep their classes in. You watched as B/F/N, F/F/N and M/F/N entered the restrooms and you walked out to the cafeteria to get set up. While adjusting the height of your microphone, you noticed a tall figure at the back of the cafeteria. It was Rob. You looked on at him from afar, your heart skipping a beat as he looked in your direction, suddenly you both flushed slightly and looked away. In that moment, you felt a wave of memories come back. You saw from your perspective that the memory was also set inside the cafeteria. You remembered making eye contact with someone.. Your vision was fuzzy as you tried making out shapes but you only recognised one thing. He was a cyclops. Could this be Rob? Why was pupil not split? Why did his features seem so smoother...? You couldn't make out much more as the hallucination began to fade away and you noticed an excited flurry of kids burst into the room, your band members following suit as they tried making it to you without being completely bombarded by the papparazzi of school kids who only just noticed their entrance. Excited to see B/N peform once more, a loud chorus of cheers echoed, kids and teachers all hyped once again.

The music began to play and you begun to sing..

"Alone in a crowded room," You sung, looking out to the audience who erupted into cheers once again as they heard your melodic voice, echoing and bouncing off the walls of the cafeteria. 

"My eyes will search for you," Instinctively, at this line, you searched across the room and your eyes met with Rob's, your heart fluttering and your eyes softening as he stood, captivated by your attractiveness. His eye was slightly glazed over, as if you were putting him into a trance. He'd always been a fan of S/N. And yet he still didn't know it was Y/N he was watching.

"Abandoned by my company, I'll search for what's in front of me," In front of you stood Rob. Well, not directly, he was just in the crowd. He stuck out like a sore thumb, however.

"And hope that i'll find something new,"

My heart is like the ocean searching, 

searching for the shore I'm learning 

There must be something more than dreaming, ooh~ ooh~"

You continued making eye contact, your eyes kept darting back and forth, almost always darting back to Rob as he stuck out to you. He caught your attention and you couldn't look away for long.

"This heart of mine is tired, but my feet will not retire," Your heart definitely was tired. Tired of making an attempt of finding out who Rob was. Tired of just crushing. It yearned for more, it yearned for his presence and yet you couldn't understand why

"The alcohol will not suppress the fear of death and loneliness,

I know that I'm not alone,"

You looked at B/F/N, knowing they also struggled remembering his full identity. You looked at M/F/N, knowing he was trying desperately to help the four of you remember. You looked at F/F/N, she was deep in thought, studying his features and trying to find an answer. You were all on the same page. None of you were alone.

"My heart is like the ocean searching,

searching for the shore I'm learning

There must be something more than dreaming, ooh~ ooh~" (x2)

You made eye contact, for what seemed to be the millionth time this day.

"I've wrestled with the truth for quite some time,"

What was the truth?

"And I've been drowning in this restless mind,"

Who was he?

"I'm sick of being so unsatisfied, tell me that the answer's right"

Why was he so familiar?

"God are you aawake at night?"

'GIVE ME AN ANSWER!' Your minds demanded.

"Cause I've been abandoned by my company,

I'll search for what's in front of me

And hope that I find something new,"

You continued to sing as your eyes darted back to Rob once more, noticing Gumball and Darwin trying to annoy him. But he didn't respond to them. He didn't once yell at them. He just kept staring. Entranced. 

"My heart is like the ocean searching,

searching for the shore I'm learning

There must be something more than dreaming, ooh~ ooh~" (x2)

As the song faded out the crowds began to disperse, satisfied. But you were not satisfied. Far from it. You immediately dashed out and changed, hoping that nobody would notice S/N's sudden disappearance and your sudden reappearance. You'd luckily kept your facade up for this long, and next week you were going to reveal your identity to the school. To the world, S/N will be known as Y/N, and Y/N will be known as S/n.

After you exited, you bumped into Rob, luckily. He looked at you and tried to start a conversation, mumbling a sorry for walking into you. You stared for a second before saying.

"Isn't your name... Rob?" You guessed, he flinched, taken aback by your question. A sudden burst of hope began to fill his senses as he ecstatically nodded furiously.

"Yes! Do you remember me, Y/N?" He asked hopefully.

"Well, yes but no. For some reason I remember your name but not who you are. I'm sorry, I've been trying to figure out why you're so familiar!" You bowed your head slightly, embarrassed that you couldn't yet remember who he was.
"I met you three months ago. But I was sent to the Void. Thats why you can't remember me.. It's complicated. Do you remember anything other than my name?" He asked, hoping that you'd remember more.

"Well, I do remember one interaction with someone that vividly resembled you, but I couldn't see him clearly enough to tell."
He nodded.

"My body is disfigured. I didn't always look like this."

And the bell stopped your discussion short. Parting ways, as you noticed him exit the school for some odd reason. You didn't dwell on it, you just continued forward.

'I am going to remember him.'

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